Medicinal Baths To Relieve Headaches

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), headaches or headaches are a somewhat underestimated type of ailment that does not always receive the most appropriate treatment.

We are facing a type of problem that affects children and adults, and that practically the entire population has suffered at some point. However, the moment any pain becomes recurrent, it is necessary to know its cause.

A headache is a symptom of an underlying problem.  It is an indicator that we must not neglect. Perhaps it is due only to fatigue or stress, or it may be due to other implications such as hypertension or some inflammation.

It will always be our doctor who offers us the best diagnosis and the most convenient treatment. However, it is important to remember that resorting to self-medication is not appropriate.

Therefore, we recommend that you try these simple home remedies. Sometimes a bath is an ideal therapy to relax and relieve that annoying headache.

Don’t hesitate to try it… It doesn’t have any side effects!

The best home baths for headache relief

A bath has a relaxing and therapeutic effect. Now, it is important to differentiate between hot and cold baths.  This is so because our body will react differently to each of them.

A bath can have a healing effect on people thanks to factors such as temperature or ingredients added to the water. Let’s now look at the benefits of each in more detail.

Types of bathrooms

The cool bath contracts our skin and activates us. The benefits it brings to our body are multiple and, without a doubt, you will have experienced it many times when you choose this type of bath.

  • It is invigorating, offers vigor to the muscles and is very suitable for stimulating our nervous system.
  • It should also be noted that cold baths should be short and we should never get too low temperatures.

    Temperate baths, meanwhile, range in temperatures between 20 ° C and 25 ° C and help us regulate blood circulation, providing a state of calm. They promote perspiration of the skin and are very good for mid-afternoon.

    Finally, hot baths are those that exceed 26 ºC and, although they are very relaxing, doctors recommend us to be very careful with them.

    • They tend to accelerate breathing, sweating and increase blood circulation, but they can also cause us to suffer from palpitations. It is appropriate not to overdo it with this type of bath.

    Foot baths to relieve headaches

    We are going to start by describing a simple and effective remedy for headache relief. In this case, we are going to take a hot foot bath.

    • The hot foot bath is relaxing and there is no risk, as could happen, for example, if we took a full body bath.

    In the latter case, we would suffer the opposite effect: a full bath of hot water increases the headache. On the contrary, a foot bath relieves it.

    • When taking a warm foot bath, the blood circulation is concentrated in this area and is “unloaded” from the head, temples and neck.
    • To carry out this type of hot foot bath, you will only have to fill a tub with water that is at a temperature between 27 and 30 ºC.
    • Soak your feet in this hot water for 10-15 minutes and try to relax.
    • If you wish, you can add 5 drops of peppermint essential oil.

    What is the use of putting your feet in cold water

    Cool water bath in the arms

    This technique is simple and effective. We can use the tap in the shower, bath or a fresh compress placed on the right and left arm for 10 minutes.

    • The effect of cool water directed to the upper extremities has a relaxing effect capable of relieving tension and headaches.
    • Applying cool water on your arms for a few minutes  helps us to raise our defenses, revitalize and tone our muscles. In addition, it helps to relieve headache and muscle pain, and states of fatigue.

    Complete bath of warm water with salt and finish with cold water for a few seconds

    Although filling our bathtub is an expense, if you need to relieve a headache, do not hesitate to do the following:

    • Fill your bathtub with warm or slightly hot water (between 25 and 29 ºC) and add a cup of salt. It is something simple and therapeutic that you should enjoy for about 15 or 20 minutes.
    • After that time, open the shower and allow a small stream of cool water to fall on your body, but only for a few seconds.

    You will see how good you feel after this remedy.

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