More Alkaline Foods And Their Benefits

Followers of the alkaline diet claim that it helps to lose weight and prevent diseases, but what is true in these claims?

Maybe you’ve heard of the alkaline diet and don’t know what it means. This argues that knowing the alkalinity or acidity of foods, as well as combining them correctly, it is possible to enjoy good health, more energy and fewer diseases. Learn about the most alkaline foods and their benefits in the following article.

The alkaline diet is a trend among those looking to lose weight. In addition, his followers maintain that, through this eating plan, it would be possible to prevent different diseases. We analyze below if there is scientific data that supports the benefits attributed to it.

Analyzing the pH of food

Before talking about the alkaline diet or the foods that compose it, it is necessary to learn about pH (potential for hydrogen); their levels range from 0 to 14. The closer to 0, the more acidic it is and the closer to 14, the more alkaline. 7 is a neutral substance.

The basic theory of the alkaline diet maintains that the foods that one consumes affect the value of the corporal pH. How? Well, very simple: the chemical reactions of the body transform food into energy. After these processes, residues that can be alkaline, acidic or neutral are eliminated.

According to the article ” What impact does pH have on food and nutrition “, food influences the pH of urine ; the kidneys are in charge of processing it and maintaining homeostasis, that is, the stability of the organism over changes in the environment. It is necessary to point out that the pH value of the blood is between 7.35 and 7.45, and it is precisely the value that must be maintained.

Now, the defenders of this diet maintain that, when eating more alkaline foods, the residues will also have this characteristic and, therefore, also the blood. In conclusion, they would help to alkalize the body and thus improve health.

Benefits of alkaline foods

Below we list the benefits that are attributed to the consumption of alkaline foods and we tell you if there are scientific studies that support each belief.

They would improve the health of the stomach and digestive tract

more alkaline foods

The stomach is very acidic, with a pH level of 3.5 or lower. This acidity is necessary to digest food. Now, those who defend the consumption of alkaline foods assure that it would help reduce the acidity of the substances that leave the stomach and go to the intestine.

If these were less acidic, the pancreas would have to work less to neutralize the acids. However, we have not found scientific studies that support this theory.

They would help to lose weight

Since more alkaline foods (mainly fruits and vegetables) tend to be lower in calories than acids (proteins), eating an alkaline diet could help prevent overweight.

They would prevent osteoporosis

How to alkalize your body for good health, more alkaline foods

An investigation published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health concluded that, although following an alkaline diet would reduce the presence of calcium in the urine and would also impact its pH, there is no substantial evidence to infer that it would protect against osteoporosis.

What are the most alkaline foods?

more alkaline foods

Within the group of foods that are usually included in this diet since they are advised to have a more alkaline pH (from 7 to 14), we find:

  • Vegetables and vegetables : alfalfa, barley, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, green beans, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, lettuce, onion, mustard leaf, bell pepper, pumpkin, radish, turnips, spinach, watercress and leaves nettle or dandelion.
  • Fruits: apple, avocado, banana, berries, coconut, raisins, melon, pear, pineapple, raspberry, strawberry, plum and watermelon.
  • Cereals : almonds, millet, chestnuts.
  • Condiments and spices: cinnamon, curry, ginger, mustard and aromatic herbs.

A balanced diet is the foundation of health

Those who have negative eating habits, that is to say that for example they consume an excess of foods of animal origin to the detriment of fruits and vegetables, a large amount of salt, refined flours and sugars, and, above all, packaged foods, can develop different pathologies, such as being overweight, diabetes or hypertension.

For this reason, we recommend drinking water and squeezed juices, as well as choosing natural sweeteners such as honey or stevia and whole foods over refined ones. Of course, it is essential that you consume fruits and vegetables daily.

If you have any questions about how to improve your diet, go to a nutritionist. No one better than him will be able to explain to you how to lead a healthy life and, at the same time, achieve your goal of losing weight.

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