Most Common Food Parasites

Food parasites are a series of microorganisms that can put human health at risk. They are ingested through the diet and have the ability to colonize some sections of the intestinal tract or to generate harmful toxins. It is important to know which are the most common and the necessary measures to avoid their consumption.

It should be noted that one of the most frequent causes of visits to the emergency room is food poisoning. This situation is usually generated from poor hygiene practices, which ends with the ingestion of pathogens that cause digestive problems.

However, some of them can develop allergic processes and affect other vital organs, such as the liver. What other dangers do they cause? In the next space we will tell you more about it.

Dangers of food parasites

On many occasions, food parasites are consumed without the person being aware of their presence in food due to their small size. It is also possible that the product contains only the roe of the pathogen, which will hatch in the areas of the intestinal tract until causing short-term damage.

Perhaps it is one of the most complicated cases to treat, since the parasite settles inside the subject and causes a constant health problem. It should be noted that this series of organisms can develop in very diverse foods. They can appear in fresh produce, but also in canned food.

It is relatively common to find them in meats that have not been properly treated, even in some fish. Once they develop inside the body , they could be transmitted through contact, especially if there is poor hand hygiene.

Abdominal parasitosis.

Main food parasites

An article published in Advances in Food and Nutrition Research states that foodborne parasites is one of the most neglected groups of pathogens, given its complexity and high prevalence in marginalized populations. However, in recent years they have spread to other populations and have been linked to unexpected symptoms.

What are the most common? How to reduce the risk of contamination? Answering these questions is very important. We will detail more about it below.

Taenia solium

It is also known as “pork tapeworm.” It is a microorganism that is found, above all, in pork that has not been properly treated or sanitized during the process that takes place in the slaughterhouse.

From eating contaminated food, tapeworms may develop inside the intestine. They have a worm-like appearance and have the ability to ingest the nutrients that are consumed through the diet.

According to a study published in the journal Parasite Immunology , and sto can cause a progressive weight loss in humans, with the consequent state of malnutrition.

Echinoccoccus granulosus

In general, it is a parasite that lives in the intestines of dogs. However, it has been shown that it can also be transferred to humans from the consumption of contaminated meat from other animals, such as pork.

It is a tapeworm-shaped organism, although small. It causes a protein consumption that reduces the bioavailability of amino acids for human use. Consequently, it damages health significantly.

Toxoplasma gondii

This protozoan can cause toxoplasmosis in humans. It is a microorganism that lives mainly in cats, although its passage to pregnant women generates negative consequences for the fetus.

For the treatment it is necessary to resort to a series of drugs that manage to act on the synthesis of folic acid. Thus, a negative impact is generated on the vital and reproductive cycle of the parasite.

In the clinical picture of toxoplasmosis, flu symptoms such as fever stand out. Even this disease can be fatal in the case of immunosuppressed people.

In addition, there is some research that ensures that infection with this pathogen can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia in the medium term.

Strategies to reduce risks

One of the most effective mechanisms to reduce the risk of developing an infection by food parasites is to take extreme measures of food hygiene. In this sense, it is necessary to carry out a correct washing of fresh consumer products, except in the case of meats.

In addition, it is convenient to ensure that a high internal temperature is reached inside the food during its cooking, since this is an effective mechanism to exterminate the pathogens that may be contained inside.

At the same time, utensils for handling raw and cooked foods should not be shared. It is also important to sanitize the cutlery in an optimal way, as well as wash your hands before handling the groceries.

In the case of subjecting some food to a freezing process, it is always recommended to defrost it in the refrigerator and avoid leaving the product at room temperature, since it could promote the hatching of the roe that it contains inside or on its surface.

Food handling

Beware of food parasites

Getting an infection caused by food parasites is relatively common, and it is a problem that can seriously compromise human health. Not only does it affect the metabolism of nutrients or their availability, but it can also cause liver damage and even a hypersensitivity reaction that conditions life.

In addition, in the case of pregnant women, certain poisonings are very dangerous, since they manage to endanger the life of the fetus. In this sense, we always advise you to purchase top quality food, which has passed health controls and presents the appropriate certification.

At the same time, it is essential that you cook the food completely to ensure that the possible pathogens that inhabit it are destroyed. In the case of preserving the products, use methods that are safe and that manage to keep the edibles in good condition to avoid the reproduction of parasites.

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