Pie Gratin With Meatballs And Mashed Potatoes

This dish is a gastronomic bomb that will satisfy the hunger of the most gluttonous. The gratin cake with meatballs and mashed potatoes, besides being an inexpensive meal, is simple to prepare and yields a lot.

The ingredients are basically two: ground beef or lamb, and potatoes. To this we add a variety of condiments, cheeses, we take it to the oven and the result is incredible.

The gratin cake is a variation on lasagna. But where the pasta is wisely replaced by the puree. It is a dish that, due to its high caloric content, tends to be eaten much more in winter. It is recommended to consume at lunch hours.

Ingredients to prepare this gratin cake:

  • 1 kg of ground beef
  • Eight medium potatoes
  • Four large tomatoes
  • One onion
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • A red pepper
  • ¼ cup of red wine
  • Three tablespoons of butter
  • Three tablespoons of extra olive oil
  • A bay leaf
  • One teaspoon of oregano powder
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 250 g of grated gouda cheese
  • 150 g of Parmesan or Pecorino cheese for gratin.


gratin potatoes gratin cake

  • A 12 x 8 inch baking tray
  • A medium pot
  • A frying pan
  • A wooden spoon
  • A grater
  • A chef’s knife (10 ‘)


  • If you have purchased the meat without grinding, clean it, remove the fat, cut it into small cubes and process it in the electric grinder.
  • Season the meat (to taste) with salt, pepper, garlic powder and a touch of Worcestershire sauce and set aside.
  • Take the potatoes, remove the skin, cut them into irregular cubes. Add them to a pot with plenty of boiling water and let them soften. This process takes approximately 30 minutes.
  • While you wait for the potatoes to be ready, place the tomatoes in a pot with a little water so that they sweat and it is easier to remove the skin.
  • Remove the tomatoes from the heat, remove the skin and cut into medium pieces.
  • In the same pot where the tomatoes used to be, place the three tablespoons of olive oil, sauté the garlic along with the onion and pepper cut into small cubes.
  • Now add the tomato, and with the help of a potato masher, make a puree with them. Add some tomato paste, meat broth, red wine, seasonings to taste and cook over low heat.
  • In the pan, place a little olive oil, make small meatballs, 3-centimeter spheres and seal them a little until they change color.
  • Add the meatballs to the tomato sauce, let it continue to thicken this preparation.
  • Prepare the oven at 180 ºC and the baking tray with a little butter and flour, to prevent the cake from sticking.
  • Now, it was time to remove the potatoes from the heat, strain them and in a large container, mash them with the help of a potato masher. Add salt and pepper to taste, and the three tablespoons of butter. Mix everything very well.
  • Add the grated yellow cheese to the puree.
  • Remove the meatballs from the heat.
  • It is time to assemble the dish. Place in the baking dish a layer of mashed potatoes and on top of this layer, add the meatballs with plenty of sauce, put back a compact layer of mashed potatoes.
  • If there are enough ingredients left, make another layer.
  • Sprinkle parmesan cheese and gouda over the cake and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and let it rest for about 30 minutes before serving.
  • Accompany this dish with a rich and light green salad and a glass of red wine. It is a simple dish, but very tasty.

Data of interest:

potato pie

  • For a much more flavorful cake,  mix beef with pork.
  • Adding a layer of Parmesan cheese to the bottom of the container before the puree will make it easier to create a crust or crunchy layer that will help keep the cake firm.
  • You could engineer and make the dish a bit more complex by adding mushrooms, vegetables or white creams such as béchamel.
  • Placing the meat without shaping it into meatballs is also an option.
  • The individual presentation of this dish is very nice, less rustic. Serving it in small ceramic or clay containers gives a delicate touch.
  • This meatball and mashed potato gratin cake goes very well with a vegetable cream or onion soup as a starter. For dessert, a tiramisu or something lighter like yogurt and fruit flan.

Clever! A luxury menu.

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