Relieve Muscle Aches With This Anti-inflammatory Coconut Oil Ointment

The combination of the properties of coconut oil with those of essential oils creates a perfect blend to relieve inflammation and muscle aches

Muscle aches are quite common in the population and  one of the main reasons for disability in the world. 

That is why, sometimes, it is convenient to go to the ointment to complement the treatments and relieve muscle pain.

Its appearance is usually related to the weakness caused by old age, excessive physical activity, trauma or stress.

They generally disappear spontaneously, while resting or consuming some medications with analgesic properties.

There are many alternatives to minimize pain. In fact, some can be prepared from natural ingredients.

Among these options we find an anti-inflammatory coconut oil ointment, ideal for calming tension, pain and muscle inflammation.

In the following space we will tell you how to prepare it and what are its main benefits.

Anti-inflammatory coconut oil ointment to relieve muscle pain

For muscle pain

Although muscle aches can vary depending on their severity, this ointment is a good complement to provide you with a feeling of relief.

It is an alternative product with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxant compounds that help improve circulation to accelerate the recovery of affected muscles.

To get the most out of this ointment we can carry out the following guidelines:

  • Combine it with ingredients such as lavender and rosemary oil, known in alternative medicine as powerful anti-inflammatories, soothing and antioxidants.
  • Apply through massage to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote the elimination of toxins and fluids that affect the tissues.
  • It is recommended to relax the legs and neck, as they calm stiffness and other symptoms associated with stress.

How to prepare this anti-inflammatory coconut oil ointment?

Relieve muscle aches with this ointment

Although there are many salves and ointments with relaxing properties, it is always better to make them at home with 100% organic ingredients.

Coconut oil must be totally natural, to preserve all its properties to the maximum.


  • 1 cup of coconut oil (200 g)
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 15 drops of rosemary oil
  • 15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (48 g)


  • 1 airtight glass jar

Instructions for preparation

  • Pour the coconut oil into a pot and melt it in a double boiler for a few minutes.
  • Then, after completely melting it, add the essential oils and stir with a wooden utensil.
  • Remove it from the heat and store the oil in an airtight container, before it cools
  • Leave uncovered for a couple of hours to achieve a creamy texture or store in the freezer for 30 min.
  • Once it has the desired consistency, proceed to apply it

How to use

  • Take a relaxing bath, dry yourself well, and apply a generous amount of anti-inflammatory ointment.
  • Make sure to massage sore areas well, including the neck, legs, and lower back.
  • Repeat it every night before going to sleep, or whenever you feel some kind of ailment.

Remember that you must improve your lifestyle habits, especially in terms of food.

The origin of the problem is usually essential mineral deficiencies, such as magnesium and calcium.

And, although it is advisable to rest, it is also advisable to do some stretching exercises to relieve tension and strengthen the affected areas.

Follow all these recommendations and, in case of complications, consult your doctor immediately.

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