Remedy With Lettuce, Mint And Honey For Insomnia

Are you going through a stage where it is difficult for you to fall asleep correctly? Perhaps it is necessary to start taking measures to help improve this state. Sleeping and getting a good night’s sleep is a biological necessity for the body and mind.

Insomnia cannot be exclusively attributed to a single cause, nor is there an etiological treatment, that is, one that directly attacks this disorder. This makes it necessary to address it in a multifactorial and individual way.

There are some natural alternatives that can work as a complement in the treatment against this disorder, for example, the infusion of lettuce, mint and honey. However, it is suggested to consult a doctor at the time of having insomnia, he may advise a treatment adapted to the characteristics of each person.

Three natural options to fight insomnia



According to this research carried out at the University of Murcia, the main contribution of lettuce to the diet is based on a contribution of minerals, antioxidant compounds (phenols, vitamins C, A, E and K, carotenes and chlorophylls), fiber and water.

Its nutritional content tends to vary somewhat with the degree of color and the position of the leaf on the heads, where the outer leaves tend to have a higher concentration of the mentioned nutrients.

It is the knowledge of popular wisdom that gives benefits to lettuce as an ingredient to prepare an infusion that helps improve sleep conciliation.

Lettuce contains a substance called lactucarium, which could be described as the white liquid that comes out when the leaf is cut. It is believed that it can produce calming effects that help you get better sleep.


Peppermint is made up of ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, acetic acid, and benzoic acid. Other components that can be found in its composition are the B vitamins (B1, B2 and B3) – important for the metabolic process – and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

Its leaves contain a moderate amount of fiber, which is considered necessary for a balanced diet. Likewise, they contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant component and essential for the production of vitamin A.

It is believed that consuming mint, either in salads or in infusion, can help prevent premature aging, this is thanks to flavonoids, antioxidants that generally reduce the action of free radicals.

Regarding its use with the purpose of helping to combat insomnia, this study published in the Journal of Neurology by the Spanish Sleep Society explains that, what helps to improve the processes that stimulate sleep are several factors. 

These can be habits related to work, accumulations of stress, the practice of some sport and food. On the latter, they explain that some foods provide nutrients such as those found in mint (magnesium, calcium, vitamin C) and are responsible for helping you sleep better, therefore, to combat insomnia.


Honey is a viscous, dense, fluid and sweet substance that is produced by various types of bees, but especially by the so-called domestic bee or honey bee. It is composed mainly of fructose (38%), glucose (31%) and water (18%).

Likewise, it usually contains sucrose, maltose and other sugars. So it can be said that honey is a sweet substance resulting from a combination of sugars of vegetable origin and water. This is shown by this study carried out by a group of experts at the Autonomous University of Chile.

The use of honey in infusions that help fight insomnia is due to the fact that its sugars are natural and popular wisdom recommends it to sweeten beverages. To date, the studies that support the medicinal uses of honey are related to healing processes and the treatment of some wounds, but not as a driver of sleep.

Remedy with lettuce, mint and honey



To prepare this infusion of lettuce, mint and honey to combat insomnia, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 3 lettuce leaves
  • 4 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (10 g)


  • First, wash the lettuce leaves and fresh mint well. It is important that you disinfect them well. You can use a little vinegar.
  • Prepare the kettle with the cup of water. The 3 lettuce leaves are added first and expected to boil. Lettuce cooking can be 15 minutes. Once ready, the leaves are removed.
  • Now, with the same water, add the mint leaves and let it boil again. Afterwards, it is suggested to let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • You can filter the content and pour it into a cup. Add the tablespoon of honey and stir well. This infusion can be taken if it is difficult to sleep well. It is recommended to do it 1 hour before going to bed.

Healthy life style

To get a good rest it is necessary to follow some simple routines. Routines help to set habits and with this, you can get to understand a little better the body and its basic functions. That is, being used to eating, working and sleeping well at specific times can be beneficial in the medium and long term.

A healthy lifestyle consists of the symbiosis of several things, not just eating healthy and sleeping 8 hours a day. It is knowing how to choose quality food, exercise, have spaces that allow activities such as reading, solving crossword puzzles or, more simply, watching a family movie.

These activities can help improve circadian rhythms and with them you would begin to notice an improvement in your sleep cycles. Even taking naps in the middle of the day for 15 or 20 minutes is recommended to rest your mind and get back to work.

Taking this infusion of lettuce, mint and honey can be a support for the activities mentioned in this section. In case of very frequent insomnia, it is suggested to consult a doctor who offers an objective analysis that helps to improve sleep cycles.

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