The Best Tips To Avoid Shine On Your Face

If you have oily skin and are tired of constantly having shine on your face, surely you are failing in your cleaning or makeup. We tell you what you can do in your daily routine to avoid it.

Avoiding shine on the face is not always easy, especially when the skin type has a tendency to produce more oil, regardless of whether it is hot, exercising or not. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to know the type of skin, its needs and the best ways to provide good daily care.

To achieve this, in addition to following the dermatologist’s guidelines, you can apply the following tips that we are going to comment on below.

Is it common to have excess shine on the face?

Excess shine on the face is a very common problem. In fact, many people consider that it is normal to have it at some point in life in some specific areas of the face, such as the famous T zone.

Oily and acne-prone skin is the most likely to suffer from excess shine on the face. However, they are not the only ones. There are other types of skin that can be excessively shiny.

Tips to avoid shine on the face

If you want to maintain flawless and enviable skin, do not hesitate to put the following tips into practice to avoid that annoying excess shine on your face. 

Cleaning and hygiene daily

Woman washing her face in front of the sink mirror.

It is very important that you maintain good hygiene on your face with suitable products. That is the first step and the key to success. In this sense, to know what your skin type is and what is best for it, it is best to consult with your dermatologist.

You may need to use a mild, non-scented soap every day, such as toilet soaps.

After washing your face, you could apply a facial toner to give your skin an extra hydration and prepare it to apply a suitable moisturizer.

Exfoliate the face

Not all skin needs to exfoliate with the same frequency. Therefore, you should ask your dermatologist what is the frequency that your skin needs. If you don’t do it and exfoliate weekly, you can damage your skin and expose it to bigger problems than excess shine or impurities.

Once you know the most appropriate frequency for you, it is good that you educate yourself on what would be the best exfoliator to cleanse your skin in depth. 

Skin care and beauty products

Oil-free makeup

It is not recommended that you try to dull the shine with makeup, as this only manages to cover the pores and give rise to the appearance of impurities. It will not help remove shine, but will promote it even more.

If you want to use makeup, it is best that you look for products according to your skin type and preferably, that do not have an oily base because with them your skin will look much brighter.

Other tips you can keep in mind:

  • Try to choose the matte or powder options, which actually adhere to the skin and absorb the little bits of oil.
  • Apply makeup with the help of a sponge or brush. By doing it with your fingertips, your skin will be more oily.

Finish with absorbent paper

Once you finish putting on makeup, we advise you, with a piece of absorbent paper or rice paper, to give a few gentle touches to your face to remove excess product and shine on your face.

Focus on the T zone, that is, forehead, nose and chin ; the triangle where fat is most often accumulated.

Woman applying absorbent paper to her face.

Last tips

It is very important to keep these tips in mind so that your cleaning and your daily grooming are more efficient. They are very easy to follow.

  • It is essential that you always maintain adequate hydration so that your skin can perform its functions. To achieve this, try to drink more than 4-6 glasses a day.
  • Protect your skin from the sun daily with a good sunscreen. Not just in the summer months, every day.
  • Do not neglect the topical hydration of your skin. To do this, apply moisturizers that are consistent with your skin type regularly.
  • Always have a clean tissue or rice paper kit on hand to remove excess shine (when you don’t have access to a sink with soap and water). Do not hesitate to go to the dressing table whenever you consider it necessary, this way you will make sure you are well and comfortable.

Consult with your dermatologist on how to control the brightness on the face

As you can see, it is very easy to control the glow on your face with good habits and a good skin care and cleansing routine. The key is to know your skin type and its respective needs very well.

From time to time, you can resort to some home treatments, to complement the indications given by the dermatologist. For example, you can prepare a mask with cornstarch and water; once removed from the face, apply a little rose water. It will help you dry the skin and keep it disinfected.

Always have quality products on hand. Facial skin is very sensitive and any alteration can leave marks or spots. Follow these tips and share with us if you have a different trick worth reviewing.

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