The Crisis Of The 40, How To Face It?

Facing changes from a positive perspective and focusing on what has been achieved so far can help us see the crisis of the 40s in a much happier way

It’s just a change of perspective, but how can we deal with the crisis of the 40s?

Understanding it will help us to fully live each stage of life and counteract the depression and anxiety produced by the passage of time.

What is the crisis of the 40?

At age 40, women begin to walk towards menopause, with physical and psychological changes. It is a stage when they are neither young nor old, but they experience the fear of growing up.

In men, gray hair appears and with it anxiety and fear.

In both cases, an analysis of the evaluation of what has been done so far and what remains to be resolved appears in mind. It is an evolutionary issue, linked to age and biological changes.

The environment also exerts its influence: social and family pressures take their toll, generate insecurity and questioning. It can become a period of loss and search.

Time for reflection

From 40 to 50 years

Identity conflicts, family, marital or work crises often occur. It is time for reflection and making decisions that promote a change in life.

Whoever has reached their goals will face the crisis of 40 in a better way. Those who fell into a routine, are insecure or do not have clear objectives, are more likely to suffer from depression. So are those who have conflicting partners.

Radical changes

Today there are many social changes; There are many people who follow fashion, who go to the gym every day … Without a doubt, they experience the crisis of 40.

  • Men get hair implants or toupees. Women, for their part, can change their hair color and hairstyle.
  • They can listen to loud music, go to trendy discos, practice extreme sports that they weren’t fans of before …
  • They also buy state-of-the-art electronics or very short miniskirts and very low necklines.

In women, the approach of menopause causes episodes of severe heat, dry hair and skin. They face the fact that they will not have any more children and it can decrease their sex drive.

Thus, they show reluctance towards different aspects of their life, they are melancholic and even fantasize about adventures.

In men there is a lack of interest towards the family nucleus. They buy cars, quit work, are unhappy … In some cases they increase their alcohol consumption to achieve a fleeting feeling of happiness.

Wisdom and positive mind

40s crisis woman

Menopause can be the time to rethink life with wisdom, spontaneity, and a positive mind. In short, it is about looking for a redesign that motivates you to move forward.

Each stage of life has its own reality, which can be fully and joyfully faced.

In a society that idealizes youth, aging with dignity  is not an achievement that everyone can display. Those who see the crisis as an opportunity to renew courage and move towards a full life, regardless of age, will do so.

The crisis of the 40: How to face it?

The first thing is to clarify the panorama. If there is fear of the future, of getting old, of failure, if they are looking to blame for what happens or if it is not the life they dreamed of.

With the answers, the future can be organized, the important thing is not to make decisions from depression, without thinking about them.

The crisis of 40 is part of a normal process that does not have to go through alone. Family, partner, friends can help face it for what it is: one more stage, just like adolescence.

You can also turn to professional help.

A new beginning

From 30 to 40 years old

One way to counter the 40s crisis is to set new goals. They are challenges and goals that will help you understand where you want to be in the near future.

The 40 years are not the end of a life, but a new beginning that will allow you to live as or more happily than before.

The crisis of 40 can destroy relationships and families, sink into depression, or, conversely, strengthen the human being. The difference will be made by the way the process is approached.

Positive mind

Think positive, laugh at gray hair, baldness or crow’s feet are options. The way to face the crisis of 40 will depend on the ability to make decisions not from depression, but reflected.

Set new goals while still enjoying what has been achieved or what is everyday.

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