The Most Important Properties And Benefits Of Onion

The best way to take advantage of the benefits of onion is to eat it raw. In this way, it would help improve digestion, for example.

One of the essential foods in the kitchen is onion.  We can practically take it and cook it in every possible way and it can be used to spice up any dish.

But, in addition to its culinary properties, the nutritional and even medicinal properties of the onion make it a highly recommended food, as this study indicates.

Onion Nutrients

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, the main component of onion, by far, is water, since it accounts for 90% of its composition. Therefore, it is surprising that in the remaining 10% we find the following nutrients:

  • Essential oils : responsible for most of the properties of the onion that we will comment on later, although they are also guilty of the annoying tearing that we suffer when we peel it.
  • Group B vitamins : necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems.
  • Vitamins E and C : with antioxidant action that play an important role in the prevention of cellular aging and degenerative diseases.
  • Multiple minerals and trace elements : the onion is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and sulfur among others.
  • Essential amino acids : a deficiency of this nutrient could lead to fatigue, stress and dizziness.
  • Fiber : the onion has fiber that would help improve our digestive system, favoring the intake of nutrients and the elimination of waste.

Purifying action

The famous purifying action attributed to onion is due to the oligofructose present in it, a type of soluble fiber that would promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestine according to data from Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology .

Contraindications of onion

Despite the properties of the onion, there would be some cases in which it might not sit well with us. For example, if we have a delicate stomach, it could be recommended to moderate its consumption.

Likewise, if we tend to suffer from reflux, heartburn or have been diagnosed with a kidney problem, we should also be careful about consuming it in excess since it would be an irritating food that could cause a lot of burning due to its amount of sulfur.

If we suffer from some of the aforementioned problems, it is important that we consult with our doctor about how we could consume this food without causing problems.

We advise you to try new recipes with this product and to start including it more frequently in your diet. Are you one of those people who avoid onion in their meals? Do you use it for almost everything? leave us

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