The Stone You Throw Today Will Be The Same One You Will Stumble Upon Tomorrow

That you are not aware of your actions now, does not imply that they do not return their effects later. And it is that the stone that you throw today may be the same one that you will stumble upon tomorrow.

It does not matter if the stone is small or large. Even the one you consider the most insignificant will have a consequence in your life. Therefore, even if it costs you horrors, it is necessary to act with conscience. You should avoid letting yourself be carried away by those actions that harm others, but that favor you.

You will reap what you sow

Some call it “karma”;  others, “luck.” Maybe even “punishment”. However, it is not that life is cruel to us or that it wants to see us down. It is that what we do today will affect our future.

If everything goes wrong, you may need to take an honest look at your past to discover what you have done that you forgot. Because if we are particularly good at something, it is to misplace the thoughts that blame us for a situation for which we are responsible.

Do not lie to yourself. The stone you cast today will have side effects. You cannot expect to receive a good harvest if you have sown seeds that contained poison.

It’s okay to live in the present. Think about the here and now. However, the future arrives, and that is where the result of what you have done previously in your life will manifest. Do not forget.

The stone that you throw today will be returned to you tomorrow

You are not a victim of circumstances, it is just that your actions have had their own consequences. The problem is that these have not been immediate. They have taken years to manifest themselves and you no longer remember what you did in the past and that now affects you.

Do you want to know how to prevent this from happening? It’s easy, it doesn’t require a lot of effort. You just need the will to do good:

Stop being selfish

Sometimes you act out of interest, sometimes out of ambition. And in all this maelstrom, those around you are the ones who go wrong.

It’s okay that you want to achieve what you want, but at what cost? You are not alone in this world. The others also exist and you must think about them.

Don’t become a judge

You criticize and judge others without knowing the reasons why they act in a certain way. However, when they do it with you, you get angry and in your mind you say “why won’t they get into their own life?” or “if they only knew what I’ve been through …”. You are quite a contradictory judge.

Cultivate your empathy

Putting yourself in the place of others enriches you, but this requires a great effort. Because empathy is something that develops, but it also diminishes if you don’t pay it the attention it requires.

Don’t try to win at all costs

Control and power make us take people as objects to achieve our goals. Stepping on others along the way will guarantee you reach the goal, but when you do, you will feel that you are missing something. Your happiness will not be complete.

Life is a boomerang

Life is like a funny boomerang. You throw it, but it comes back again. This is the case with our actions, so the better we act, the more good things we will receive.


Don’t become a victim, because you are not. The responsibility for everything that happens to you is yours. If you didn’t pay attention to what you were harvesting long ago, do you expect everything to be fine now? It is very easy to blame life, luck … Everything except yourself. Open your eyes.

It is not negative to have thrown stones. Thanks to this you can learn to be more aware of your present and to think more about your actions. Try to be as fair as possible, put selfishness aside, since it makes you lose instead of win, and always act from kindness.

However, if by any chance the stone that you throw today you receive it tomorrow, do not worry! Take responsibility for what you are now receiving and learn not to throw any more away. When everything is going great for you, you will realize that this is the result of having acted well.

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