There Are Disappointments That Make You Open Your Eyes And Close Your Heart

How many disappointments have you been in your life? Surely many. However, there are some that will have made you change in some way. After those experiences, you have learned to be more cautious  and, perhaps, more distrustful.

It is often said that all disappointment has its emotional impact on the human being. It is, therefore, a normal process that is part of the life cycle. However, it is convenient to know how to manage them properly so that they do not end up closing the heart forever.

Life should be a continuous invitation to experiment, to take risks, to maintain the illusion. And, of course, all disappointment hurts, but if you live it for something: to learn.

Someone’s word choice doesn’t define you as a person

Sad woman with hands on her face

Some people, after being rejected, think that they are not worth as a person. He looks in the mirror and convinces himself that there is nothing positive in his image, that he does not like, that his personality does not seem to be made to fit in with other couples.

  • It’s a mistake. One person’s opinion does not define you. It is his word, his world and his beliefs, but none of it has to do with you no matter how highly you hold it.
  • The disappointments that come to us from one or more people in particular are only signs that, in reality, “we do not fit in with their worlds.”
  • And, believe it or not, there are many more worlds, more universes created by other people that will fit your corners, gaps and nooks.
  • The complex thing about disappointments is that, sometimes, they come from people who are very significant. Therefore, it is normal to suffer them.
  • Now, that suffering must be punctual and not remain cloistered within you. Disappointments are assumed, and later, they should serve as learning.
  • It is essential to “deactivate” any negative emotions in your memory in order to move forward.

How do you manage disappointments?

Indeed, there are disappointments that open the eyes and close the heart. The world is complex and the people who inhabit it do not always act as one expects.

However, it must be clear that you too can disappoint others in one way or another. Hence, these simple ideas are worth considering.

Sad man at the window

Value people fairly – don’t set high expectations for yourself

The best thing to live in peace and balance is to let yourself go on a daily basis and not create high expectations. It is clear that, if there is something we all need, it is to be able to trust the people who love each other. If these fail, you have every right to feel angry or outraged.

Now, something that can help a lot is to avoid ideas such as:  My partner will support me in everything and will do everything for me; my friends agree to everything I do and are at my disposal at any time.

Don’t fall for these ideas. Don’t expect everything from others, expect everything from yourself.

Avoid permanent disappointments, seek your own cure

Disappointments are aspects that will accompany you throughout your life. The world is never going to conform to preconceived expectations. Your loved ones can fail and those you have on a pedestal can prove, from time to time, that they too are fallible.

You must assume it, but never give up. Disappointments will open your eyes and you will most likely be more cautious, cautious, and even skeptical after them. Nothing happens. It is normal, however, be careful not to fall into these dimensions:

  • Negativism
  • The lack of confidence in the human being, in general.
  • The loss of illusion.

    This is the last thing you should become: a person sheathed in sadness, that hurt caused by a disappointment that never healed.

    According to this study carried out by a team of researchers from the University of Murcia, negative people are more likely to suffer from health problems such as anxiety or depression. 

    Disappointments hurt and change, but you should never let them sink you. Do not close doors to your own personal growth.

    • Life is change and learning. They are negative aspects to integrate and assume in order to move forward later.
    • Sometimes a disappointment can come from a deception. It is something that you must take into account, because sometimes disappointments are necessary to be able to see a reality that you were not aware of.

      Disappointments are sometimes a gift

      A disappointment can wake you up from lethargy and show you that the person who has failed you did not respect you as you thought. Perhaps it would even have been necessary to remove her from your life, sooner or later.

      Do not see disappointments as insurmountable facts since, sometimes, they are even necessary. To get out of them, to face them,  you must get in touch with yourself to regain your self-esteem  and trust others again.

      There are always good people; There are always a thousand projects that can excite and make you happy. Hope is something that never ends, as long as you hold it in your own heart.

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