Tips For Giving Relaxing Massages

Are you looking for tips to give effective relaxing massages because you do not know how to do them? Every detail adds up and, after all, if what you most want is to provide relief or  well-being to the person receiving the massage, you should take into account some aspects: setting the space, ointments, essential oils, personal hygiene, touch, etc.

Also, it is important to talk with the other to find out if something is bothering you. For example, the neck, shoulders, lower back, etc. In which case this is the case, it is best not to risk it and go to a specialist.

What is a relaxing massage?

Giving massage consists of both stroking the skin and exerting some pressure on some points of the body to relieve accumulated tension.

As an investigation developed in 2020 explains, through the sense of touch it is sought to provide pleasant sensations to those who experience the massage. For this reason there are various techniques. However, the most popular continues to be hand massages.

Woman getting relaxing massage

By touching the skin in the right way, deeper areas of the body can be stimulated. So relaxing massages are an excellent option to combat various physical and even psychosomatic discomforts.

They are often recommended to athletes. However, anyone can enjoy the benefits of relaxing massages. This means that they can be adjusted to the person, depending on their needs and conditions.

Good preparation

Lighting is essential. A low intensity light will promote that atmosphere of relaxation, calm and stillness that the person so badly needs. Of course, the room must be comfortable, with the right temperature.

Likewise, the acoustics of the space is also key. It should be a place where external sounds do not penetrate easily. In this line, try to choose instrumental music and put it at a low volume (like white noise).

You can also scent the space with a mild fragrance. For this, do not hesitate to resort to essential oils or baby colognes. Of course, personal perfumes are not recommended; since they overload the environment.

Ointments and essential oils

Moisturizing milks and light lotions are ideal for relaxing massages because they soften the friction with the skin. As for essential oils, according to a study carried out by several researchers in the United States, they have several advantages: they are absorbed little by little, reduce inflammation and reactivate circulation.

It is advisable to place them in the hands of the person who gives the massage, rub them and distribute it over the area where you will work. The best for this process are those of chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary, orchids, sandalwood, mint, lemon, rose, lavender and bergamot.

Tips for giving relaxing massages

Keep in mind that if pain occurs during the massage, something is wrong. It will cause tension in the person and the relaxing effect will be lost. To avoid this situation, it is best that you take into account the following aspects:

  • When it comes to a relaxing massage, the pressure and movements should not be too intense.
  • Slow, steady movements are the key. On the contrary, a drastic change of pace creates a surprise effect that tightens the muscles.
  • The hands should not be separated from the person’s body during the massage.
  • In addition, the person who gives it must also be relaxed and get rid of negative thoughts that may be transmitted through contact.


    Emptying, oscillations, pressure and slip; the movements performed in the massages define the objective of the relaxing effect. Write down what each one of them consists of and how they are carried out:

    • The emptying: consists of a series of movements from the center to the ends, from the bottom up. They are repeated for three minutes on the back.
    • Oscillations: these are movements from the center outwards, and have a relaxing effect. They should be repeated between two and three minutes on the back.
    • The glides: they also go from the center outwards, but they carry more pressure and are synchronized with the breath.
    • The thumbs: they are also decisive in a relaxing massage. The first thing is to press them through the center of the spine. Afterwards, it decreases as the massage ends. And they should not exceed three minutes either.

    Learn step by step the process to give relaxing massages

    • The massage is given with the whole hand to avoid fatigue. And, without using just your fingers, place the oil between your hands, rub them in and apply it to the skin.
    • The thumb and palm advance in the area to be worked. You should not do almost pressure, just drag your hand. Also, and he process starts in the lower back and then rose slowly.
    • On the other hand, circular massages on the scalp give an immediate relaxing sensation. Moving them from the nape to the forehead and returning to the sides is ideal.
    • Make circular movements on the palm, or take the foot firmly; placing the thumb on the plant. If you want, you can extend this process up to five minutes; maintaining the sequence and the initial rhythm.


    Finally, keep in mind that to give relaxing massages you have to take care of both your own posture and that of the person who receives them. You do not need to be lying down. In fact, the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists details that there are those who believe that the best position for those who receive the massage is to be seated because it facilitates the maneuver of the person executing the process. In that case, it is important to choose a good chair, without a back.

    Keep in mind that the massage should end gradually, with quick, shallow movements around each area. Without a doubt, the other will appreciate this detail that you are having with him.

    The danger of giving relaxing massages without knowing how to do them

    Although giving a massage to another person is something intimate and perfect to create an emotional bond between two, you must be careful.

    Remember that the advice here armored are indicative, but if you do not know well how to do a good massage and the other has pain in certain areas; it is best to see a physiotherapist or specialist in the area.

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