Tips To Reduce Your Waistline

To reduce contour we must eat a healthy diet and avoid the consumption of carbonated soft drinks, since they are empty calories that make us swell

Many people find it difficult to reduce their waist and, although they lose weight, it is one of the areas that is most difficult to lose weight. This may be due, in addition to diet, to intestinal problems, carbonated drinks or muscle tension, among other reasons.

In this article, we explain the keys to reducing the waist without great sacrifices, finding the cause and solving it in a simple and natural way.

Habits that prevent you from reducing your waist

reduce waist

Some eating habits or daily routine prevent you from reaching your flat stomach goal. For example, drinking alcohol, eating too many carbohydrates, sleeping little or leading a sedentary life are some of them.

To reduce your waistline, it is important to follow a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, proteins, legumes, cereals and healthy fats. Without forgetting to perform regular aerobic exercise and specific localized routines.

On the other hand, you must also take into account the following circumstances that prevent you from getting that wasp waist.

1. Gas and constipation

Stress, schedule mismatches or a low fiber diet influence your digestion, causing abdominal bloating and gas. In addition, eating too quickly and not spending time chewing food properly causes us to swallow air that will be transformed into gases.

To avoid this, the first measure that we will take that allows us to reduce our waist will be to regulate our intestines. If we suffer from constipation, we will follow the following tips:

  • Eat foods rich in fiber (fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, etc.).
  • Drink water, hydration is essential to digest fiber.
  • Include flax seeds in our diet.
  • Take a magnesium supplement.

Foods that provide fiber.

2. Carbohydrates or protein?

Sandwiches for breakfast, pasta for lunch, bread to accompany it, pastries for a snack, pizza for dinner. Nowadays carbohydrates are abused a lot, which have the advantage that they give us energy for the whole day. However, if we abuse and do not use that energy, it is transformed into reserves, that is, it makes us fat.

Also, if they are refined, not whole, carbohydrates, they can contribute to constipation and bloating. Therefore, we recommend including a good amount of protein in our diet, but without overdoing it. That in each meal there is some protein. Not only will we burn more calories but we will also see how our waistline is reduced.

In what foods do we find protein?

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs (mainly in the white)
  • Milk and dairy derivatives
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Mushrooms

Add legumes to your diet.

3. Better not to overeat

The stomach adapts to the amounts we give it. Therefore, we must get used to always being a little hungry at meals. That extra spoonful that we would take but we are no longer hungry, but rather to finish the dish or for gluttony.

As we have already mentioned before, it is also very important that we learn to chew our food well, which will help us eat less, fill ourselves up earlier and have better digestions.

Another way to get used to it is by drinking a digestive infusion. In this way, we will prevent our belly from widening and we will get it to get used to the amounts we give it, without having to starve.

4. Avoid carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are very harmful to our body and, in addition to causing us bloating, they can also cause cardiovascular disease in the long run, as some studies have shown. Therefore, we recommend reducing or avoiding its consumption.

In addition, in many cases they are also sugary drinks, which are fattening and are harmful to our health.

Beer jar.

5. Back problems

We cannot fail to mention that some people have a too wide waist in comparison with their weight, although they lose weight, due to postural problems.

For example, those with lordosis or scoliosis (spinal deviations) may have more muscle or fat mass in the abdomen or sides. This is because the body feels the need to create natural support to balance the weight that would otherwise be very unbalanced and destabilizing us.

These people must perform some type of postural reeducation or stretching exercises, yoga, tai-chi. Rough sports such as jogging or aerobics would be the least recommended.

In addition to the above recommendations, it is important to perform aerobic and localized exercises to reduce the waist. Do not forget that it is necessary to be constant and disciplined.

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