Top 5 Home Remedies To Clear Clogged Arteries

Clogged arteries are a condition caused by the accumulation of fatty plaques within a blood vessel leading to the heart or brain. This is quite dangerous as it restricts blood flow and prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching the organs and tissues of the body optimally.

As a result, strokes, heart attacks, or coronary artery disease can be triggered. So arterial plugging is one of the so-called “silent killers.” 

The lack of appreciable symptoms or their confusion with other diseases often make their diagnosis difficult. However, once it is detected, it is necessary to begin medical treatment.

Smokers, sedentary people, and people with obesity are the most at risk for this condition. However, it is also common among patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes, arthritis, and various types of infections.

The good news is that by adopting a healthy lifestyle and following your doctor’s instructions, you can improve your health and avoid serious consequences. 

The following remedies can be part of the diet, thus helping to supplement it. But it must be clarified that, by themselves, they cannot cure diseases or guarantee health.

1. Garlic milk, a traditional drink for clogged arteries

According to popular beliefs, garlic milk would facilitate blood flow and thus promote the proper irrigation of tissues and cells. All this because garlic is considered to be a food with medicinal potential, not only because of its allicin content, but also because of the minerals and sulfurous compounds it has.


  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • 1 glass of milk (250 ml).


  • Chop the garlic cloves into small slices and bring them to a boil in a cup of milk.
  • Wait until it cools down and consume it.

    2. Golden milk

    The combination of turmeric with honey and milk results in a drink known in alternative medicine as “golden milk”, which supposedly has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances that would help maintain the health of the cardiovascular system.

    According to popular beliefs, its consumption would avoid clogged arteries and promote circulation. On the other hand, its organic extracts would help lower bad cholesterol levels and prevent arterial hardening.


    • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (5 g).
    • 1 glass of hot milk (250 ml).
    • 2 teaspoons of honey (10 g).


    • Add a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of hot milk.
    • Sweeten it with a little honey.
    • Consume in moderation.

    3. Cayenne pepper

    Cayenne pepper

    Cayenne pepper contains an active substance called capsaicin that is believed to help prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels and thus, the clogging of the arteries.

    In addition, its antioxidant compounds would be allies when it comes to stopping the negative effect of free radicals, and improving blood circulation, helping to prevent cardiovascular risk.


    • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper (2 g).
    • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml).


    • Bring a cup of hot water to a boil and add half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
    • Let it rest for a few minutes and consume.

    4. Ginger, a spice for clogged arteries

    Ginger root has anti-inflammatory properties that may contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system. In addition, it is believed that it would improve the passage of blood through the veins and reduce the oxidation of cholesterol.


    • 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger (5 g).
    • 1 glass of hot water (250 ml).
    • Optional: lemon juice, honey.


    • Add the grated ginger root to a cup of hot water and let it steep for 5 minutes.
    • Pass it through a strainer and consume.

    5. Flax seeds

    Flax seeds

    Within a balanced diet, flax seeds could be included, which given their alpha-linolenic acid content, could contribute to the health of the cardiovascular system and to maintain the balance of cholesterol levels.

    Popularly, they are considered to be a source of essential fatty acids that help clear clogged arteries and prevent them from hardening.


    • 2 tablespoons of flax seeds (20 g).
    • 1 glass of water (250 ml).


      • Add the two tablespoons of flax seeds to a glass of water and let them soak overnight.
      • The next day, pass the thick liquid through a strainer and consume.

      Are you worried about your arterial health?

      Do you think you could have clogged arteries? Are you concerned about your arterial and cardiovascular health in general? Do you have a family history of cholesterol problems?

      To answer all of the above, it is best that you go to your doctor for a check-up and follow all the instructions he gives you. You will see that to improve your health, you must adopt and maintain good lifestyle habits.

      In a complementary way, you can consume the natural remedies that we mention. These can be a good complement to the diet aimed at reducing the risks derived from excess cholesterol in the blood.

      Never forget the basic principles: a balanced diet and physical exercise on a daily basis. These will not only contribute to your arterial health, but to your well-being in general.

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