Try Margarita Cupcakes: Cocktail-cakes!

Yes! As you hear, it is possible to make margarita cupcakes. We will need tequila, lemon and sugar to prepare explosive “cocktail-cakes”, a hybrid that will make us fall into the greatest of temptations.

The  tender and innocent cupcakes that are  so fashionable can become an adult-only recipe  when combined with the mixture of one of the most popular cocktails on the planet.

The margarita, a Mexican cocktail, has 168 calories. It is one of the least caloric drinks, although it has a significant alcohol content. Therefore, drink in moderation. The margarita is made from the mixture of tequila, triple sec, lemon and salt. This drink screams summer and fun everywhere!

If having a margarita alone is already great, combined with some lemon cupcakes the mixture is simply sublime. Think about it! Make these margarita cupcakes at your next celebration and be the life of the party.

What do I need to make margarita cupcakes?

If you want to prepare delicious margarita cupcakes, you must use the following ingredients:

For the cupcakes:

  • 250 gr (2 cups) of cake flour
  • 150 g (1/2 cup) of butter
  • 200 g (1 cup) of sugar
  • 50 ml of liquid cream (optional)
  • Lemon zest
  • ½ cup of lemon juice
  • 2 eggs

Lemon Cupcakes.

To prepare it, follow these steps:

  • Mix 30 ml of lemon juice, 50 ml of condensed milk, 50 grams of cream cheese and three tablespoons of tequila,  until you form a smooth cream without lumps.
  • Afterwards, we will divide the cupcakes or remove part of their crust, then we will have to fill  with a little of the lemon cream.

If you decide not to fill the cupcakes …

If we choose not to fill the muffins, another even easier option is to make a liquid mixture of equal parts sugar, tequila, triple sec and lemon juice and bathe the cupcakes with it. You will see how delicious it is too!

Prepare the frosting

In this last step, we will have to beat the unsalted butter at room temperature with the icing sugar, the lemon juice, the touch of tequila, triple sec and a few drops of green vegetable coloring.

Finally, we will pour the frosting into a pastry bag and, with a nozzle, we will decorate our margarita cupcakes. Place half a wheel of lemon soaked in sugar on them and… let’s toast!

Bonus track: mojito cupcakes

If you’ve been wanting more cupcake recipes, we’ll show you one more: mojito cupcakes. This version is simple, since the mixture is the same as our margarita cupcakes, but this time we add rum.

In the frosting,  substitute the tequila for white rum and crush a little icing sugar with six leaves of spearmint or mint. Add this preparation to the mixture and top the cupcake with a mint leaf!

Have you already decided to prepare these recipes? We are sure that they will be to your liking. But remember !: They are not suitable for minors.

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