What Can Be The Cause Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth?

The metallic taste in the mouth is unpleasant and, although in some cases it may be occasional, when it occurs regularly, it can be an indicator of different health problems, such as kidney or liver disorders.

Possible causes of metallic taste in the mouth

The origin of this unpleasant taste can be very varied and, in some cases, it can lead to loss of appetite or affect the person’s daily life in different ways. For example, feeling the sensation of a metallic taste in the mouth, the person may not want to talk to others.

Let’s see what some of its causes may be.

1. Consumption of some medications

Medicines that cause a metallic taste in the mouth

When starting any medical treatment a metal taste may appear in the mouth. If this is the case, you can consult with the specialist and ask us to change it for another that does not have this side effect.

Medications that can cause this effect include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Antidepressants
  • Drugs for hypertension.
  • Medications for diabetes.
  • Some compounds to level calcium.
  • Medicines used to treat kidney stones.

2. Poor oral health

The care and hygiene of the teeth can be one of the causes of this problem. For this reason, proper oral cleaning is essential to protect yourself from it and eliminate that annoying taste.

Also, excess plaque can cause gingivitis. It is an inflammation and infection that destroys the supporting tissues of the teeth.

3. Pregnancy

Pregnancy, cause of metallic taste in mouth

Many women in the first months of pregnancy face the problem of metallic taste in the mouth. This is a frequent symptom that many have experienced.

This is the product of hormonal changes in a woman’s body, especially in the first trimester. Later this annoyance disappears.

4. Allergies and infections

Some allergies and yeast infections of the mouth and tongue can affect the taste buds. As a consequence, they can change the taste of your mouth.

Allergies are also related to the respiratory system. Therefore, mucus and nasal congestion can lead to this problem.

5. High levels of minerals

The taste of metal in the mouth may be due to the fact that you have an excess of minerals (such as iron or copper) in your body. We must take into account if we are taking them as a supplement.

Likewise, a deficiency or excess of zinc also causes a metallic taste. It is advisable to have an exam to see how those levels are in your blood.

6. Toxic agents

Causes of metallic taste in the mouth

Another possible cause of the metallic taste is the inhalation of toxic products (benzene, cobalt, varnishes). We must, therefore, review our environment.

Also the fact of having been exposed to mercury or lead. Having inhaled high levels of these substances may be the reason for the metallic taste.

7. Other causes

  • Food poisoning, especially with fish and shellfish.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency.
  • An imbalance in the region of the brain that controls the senses of taste.

Recommendations to improve the problem

Salt and water mouthwashes

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of salt, this remedy is very suitable. It helps us treat the gums and kill bacteria in the mouth.

  • Removes remaining food from the teeth.
  • It also helps to deflate the throat and unclog a stuffy nose.


Consuming citrus fruits stimulates the secretion of saliva. This helps to minimize the taste of the mouth in a very natural and simple way.

  • We can have oranges, lemons, grapefruits … We can also use them as a dressing or prepare lemonades.

Maintain proper oral hygiene

Brushing your teeth and tongue 2 to 3 times a day is recommended. We must also gargle with a mouthwash to completely eliminate microorganisms.

  • You can use a small amount of baking soda and salt on your toothbrush to kill all the germs. We recommend doing it once or twice a week.

Hydrate the right way

Do not forget to drink 7 to 8 glasses of water a day will help to keep the body clean and hydrated. In this way we will also avoid dry mouth.

In addition, drinking water is essential for good health. We must always do it on an empty stomach and outside of meals.


Ingesting certain flavors of candy like peppermint, eucalyptus, or licorice can mask the metallic taste and help keep your mouth hydrated. Also, chewing a piece of cardamom or cloves at noon helps to refresh your mouth and have fresh breath.

If the problem over the days you do not get an improvement, you should consult your doctor. He can guide you better in the event that there is any pathology. Do not forget that both the remedy and the treatment can vary depending on the cause.

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