Why Is Pap Smear Important?

Cytology is a very important test that every woman should perform from time to time. Therefore, below we will solve some of the questions that are most generated about it.

Remember that it is very important to perform tests to maintain our health in all possible areas. In the case of women, it is necessary to perform a cytology every 3-5 years.

What does it consist of?

Cytology is a super simple examination, a small sample of tissue is simply taken from the cervix with the help of a speculum, and a soft scraping is made on the inside with a brush.

This sample will be analyzed in a laboratory in order to identify if abnormal or cancerous cells are present.

Why should I have this test?

It is important that all women have this test to diagnose the presence of cancer cells early, and thus quickly treat cervical cancer if abnormalities occur.

How do I know if I should take this test?

Without any exception, if you have already had sexual intercourse or are over 25 years old, it is mandatory that you have a Pap test, at least once every five years. Although it is best that you consult with your gynecologist the most appropriate period in your case.

What are the recommendations that I should follow when having the cytology?

It is essential that at the time you are going to perform the cytology you are not with menstruation, you must also take at least a day without having had sexual intercourse, you should also avoid the use of ovules and vaginal creams, all this is because you need that the vagina is free of other discharge that could disturb the exams.

Will I feel pain when I have the Pap test?

It is not painful at all, it may be a bit uncomfortable for you since you are showing your private parts to a stranger, but it is normal.

Do I have to pay for the Pap smear?

If you are affiliated with any EPS, it will be totally free, you simply make an appointment with the general practitioner and he will schedule the order for the cytology.

If you are not affiliated, you can do it in a private laboratory, regularly the price is not high and covers the examination and assessment of the result.

How long should I wait for the results?

If you do them with your EPS, it can take 3 to 8 business days, when they are done in private laboratories, they tend to be delivered faster. Ultimately, it depends on the health center you go to.

What do I do if my tests show abnormal cells?

The doctor who gives the advice for the cytology reading schedules another appointment to perform other tests, such as colposcopy, biopsy and others, depending on the case that has been presented.

If my result was good, can I be calm?

The important thing about cytology is to identify any signs of cancer early, so just because you now get a positive result does not mean that you should lower your guard. You must take this exam without fail every 3-5 years.

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Cytology DOES NOT PREVENT UTERINE NECK CANCER! But it is a great help to identify it in time.

This is where the importance of cytology comes in, when cervical cancer is just beginning, there are no symptoms, these appear when the cancer has been invasive, the most common symptoms are:

  • Constant vaginal bleeding, it can be after having had sexual intercourse,
  • Unusual flow, that is, more than what was normally present and with blood stains
  • Pain or burning during sexual intercourse

As you can see, it is better to be safe than sorry so if you have already started having sex or are over 25 years old, you should not wait any longer to go for these exams.

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