Why Self-demand Is Good For Health

Self-demand is the ability we have to motivate ourselves. That demand that comes from within us to get down to business and achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

Although you may not believe it yet, self-enforcement is good for your health. Although, of course, everything is good in its fair measure. People with low self-demand need someone to push them to achieve what they want to achieve.

Let’s take an example. A person with low self-demand will settle for doing things well to moderately well. However, someone with a good self-demand will try to do them better and better until they border on excellence.

Self-demand prevents you from stagnating

Self-demand helps you keep going

We all know what it takes to stagnate. That feeling of being on automatic pilot, always doing the same thing, with the same desire, without progress, without improvements. This frustrates us and leaves us completely dissatisfied.

This does not happen if we are self-demanding because self-demand allows us to always have a goal to reach, a new challenge to achieve, even if it is very small.

For example, let’s imagine we have a very boring job that involves always doing the same thing. Like putting the same piece in the same place repeatedly or entering data into the computer.

A self-demanding person would think about how to make this job challenging. To do this, you may set some of the following goals:

  • Pay more attention so you don’t have to worry about reviewing your work.
  • Try to concentrate during the minutes you consider to make the best use of the time and finish your work sooner. So you could give yourself about 5 minutes to relax, unwind and return to work with more strength and enthusiasm.
  • Try to innovate using another technique to do the job in a better way.

As we can see, the key is not to get bored, because what happens when we get bored with what we do? That we go to work unwillingly, we feel in a bad mood, we are fed up. This does not benefit us. Our goal must always be to feel good, happy and at ease.

It allows you to discover how far you can go

Self-demand has another good part and that is that it allows us to know how far we can go. It is clear that we all have limits and that perfection is something relative. But what is our high point?

People who do not practice self-demand always remain half-hearted. Unless someone gives them the push they lack and motivates them to give more of themselves, they never try to figure this out for themselves.

This does not happen with self-demanding people. They try to overcome themselves to know how far they are capable of reaching, how many limits that have been imposed by certain beliefs they are capable of transgressing.

People like this usually go very far, but they don’t fall into perfection. This is what makes them truly unique, because they know that perfection does not exist. So they search for themselves at the highest point, being aware of their authenticity.

It can be said that self-demand helps you to know yourself better in order to be aware of your strengths, your capabilities, but also your weaknesses. This has another health benefit: it improves self-esteem.

Life is a road

Life is a path that we have to travel. Stopping or standing still won’t stop time from passing, but it will make us feel worse. More saddened, less happy, more exhausted, and we are not moving from the same place!

We have the job that we have, the life that we have built. If we want, we can change. If we can’t, nothing happens. With self-demand, we can try to improve, give ourselves a push so that everything makes sense.

It is sad to live a life without meaning or aspirations. Try to walk and just walk around instead of heading to a certain place without being lost. Set small goals, even at home: today I will do a more efficient cleaning” or “I will try to make this rice look better than other days.” Small steps will make a difference.

Always, in its proper measure, self-demand will be a great help for our health, especially for our psychological health. Because feeling good and comfortable is essential.

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