10 Home Remedies Against Bruises

Don’t forget that bruises disappear on their own, so our intervention is not necessary. In the event that you present them often and without having suffered a blow, it is important that you go to your doctor.

Bruises, bruises, bruises or bruises are those clumps of blood that are found under the skin that occur after an impact. As the blood does not come out of the wound, it is ‘trapped’ within the skin and therefore appears as a colored spot.

Bruises are painful and cause discomfort both on contact and on contact. On the other hand, if you tend to bruise frequently and do not remember having hit yourself, it is advisable that you go to the doctor, as it could be due to a more serious condition.

Although they tend to go away on their own, you can try some home remedies that have been used for years to try to help speed up the healing process. For the most part, they are made up of ingredients that are easily found at home, or in the nearest supermarket.

1. Arnica against bruises

Arnica is believed to control bruising, reduce inflammation, and promote recovery after local trauma. However, the tests carried out did not find significant changes when applying arnica, so more research is necessary.

This plant is rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids, and in other studies carried out it showed good antioxidant activity and a cytoprotective effect against oxidative damage in cells. For this reason, it has been considered that the treatment of skin disorders may be effective as a complement.

2. Ice packs

Another very simple home remedy to relieve ailments and inflammations of various kinds are ice packs. The cold causes the contraction of the blood vessels and, therefore, the decrease in inflammation.

In addition, it numbs the affected area and this generates a certain feeling of relief. It is very important to apply the compress wrapped in a fine cloth to avoid burning the skin. The sooner you place yourself on the bump, the less noticeable the bruise will be.

3. Salt

For bruises, you can also use salt. It is a widely used remedy, but there is no scientific research to ensure that its use is effective.

You can apply a layer of this natural product to the area of ​​the blow and it will absorb the intercellular fluid, thereby reducing inflammation and pain.

4. Onion

When you have a bruise, place a layer of onion over the affected region. The same compound that causes our eyes to water when we cut it, allinase, is responsible for stimulating lymphatic flow and preventing blood from pooling and bruising.

According to some research, both onion and garlic may also improve the appearance of scars.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Soak a gauze with a little apple cider vinegar and place it on the bruise, you can gently massage the area in the meantime. In this way, it is believed that circulation on the surface of the skin could be promoted.

6. Calendula

Calendula’s anti-inflammatory effects are related to its content of flavonoids and triterpene derivatives. This is why it is used for skin conditions, such as wounds, bruises, rashes, boils, and dermatitis that do not heal well.

7. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has well known anti-inflammatory properties, as it is used for all types of minor wounds and inflammatory skin disorders, minor skin irritations including burns, bruises and abrasions.

It is convenient to take advantage of cold aloe compresses, as they will help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

8. Parsley

When a bruise appears, cut some parsley and apply it directly to the affected area. This plant  has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that could help relieve pain.

Table with parsley.

9. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is a very popular type of plant in Asia, specifically in Japan and China, which has properties to reduce inflammation and relieve pain after a blow. To do this, prepare an infusion with the leaf of this plant and apply it on the affected region.

10. Peppermint essential oil

With about 20 drops of peppermint essential oil, you could help alleviate the discomfort caused by a bruise. It can be combined with bay water and a good ice pack.

Natural remedies must be applied regularly in order for them to have an effect, otherwise no results will be evident. On the other hand, it is important not to apply them all at once, but one at a time, in order to prevent the odors of the ingredients from mixing and becoming unpleasant.

Do not forget that bruises disappear on their own, so our intervention is not necessary. In the event that you present them often and without having suffered a blow, it is important that you go to your doctor.

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