4 Smoothies To Cope With Stress, Fatigue And Tiredness

The frenetic pace of our day to day, the extensive to-do list and the collection of concerns that invade us affect us both physically and mentally. Living quickly has the great disadvantage of preventing us from resting and, unfortunately, this has its consequences: at the end of the day we find ourselves exhausted, stressed and with the growing need to add an hour or two more to the day.

We accumulate aches, pains and negative thoughts behind our backs, almost without realizing it, until one fine day the body warns us to remind us that we cannot continue living so fast.

Be it through a discomfort in the neck, a constant headache or simply a feeling of overwhelm or sadness. The point is that little by little we are running out of energy, lacking in desire and motivation.

The problem is that when we are mentally tired our perception becomes cloudy, it becomes much more negative and we become more emotionally sensitive. So says neuroscientist Matthew Walker.

The good news is that we can reverse this situation or at least do our bit to stay calm, look for options to energize ourselves and thus avoid stress and fatigue end up exhausting us.

Physical exercise, meditation or yoga are highly recommended practices. And additionally, some homemade smoothies can help us relieve accumulated stress and promote a state of calm, satiating our appetite and helping us enjoy delicious mixes. Of course, the ideal is that they are accompanied by good sleep, eating and exercise habits.

1. Smoothie to combat fatigue

The feeling of tiredness weakens us physically and mentally. The accumulation of too many pending tasks and the feeling of having little time available have their consequences, whether it be from having a bad night, exerting a lot of physical effort or carrying out a variety of jobs without rest.

Although the best solution to combat this state is to enjoy a relaxing time or take breaks throughout the day to disconnect, it can also be useful to drink the natural smoothie that we will describe below.

It is a combination of almond milk, avocado and lemon, whose nutrients recharge the body. Among its components we can highlight the walnut for its high quality proteins and antioxidants (polyphenols), according to scientists from the University of Scranton.


  • 1 lemon
  • Walnuts (to taste)
  • 1 ripe avocado.
  • 2 lemon slices (to decorate).
  • 2 cups of almond milk (500 ml).


  • Chill the milk in the refrigerator and then mix it with the avocado pulp, lemon juice, and walnut.
  • Process everything for a couple of minutes and remove it after obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
  • Serve the smoothie in a glass and garnish with the lemon wedges.

2. Energizing smoothie to relieve fatigue

Fatigue often leads to lack of motivation, loss of energy, trouble maintaining attention, and disinterest in life. Although many times it is due to the development of some pathology, sometimes it is the result of a hectic life and without rest.

Just like when we feel tired, physical exercise, mindfulness practice, and a healthy lifestyle can help us end this state. However, smoothies can also help us feel better if we use them as complements to the previous recommendations.

The energy drink that we describe below is 100% natural and combines ingredients such as carrot, beet and apple to recharge the body and improve its function. In addition, according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , falcarinol, a compound in carrots, has an important effect in preventing cancer.


  • 3 carrots
  • 1 beet
  • 1 apple.
  • 2 sticks of celery.
  • ½ large cucumber.
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).


  • Before starting, wash the vegetables and fruit very well to disinfect them and remove all kinds of dirt.
  • When everything is ready, cut everything into large pieces and take it to the processor with half a glass of water to facilitate the blending.
  • If you like, you can add a little ice.

3. Smoothie against fatigue and stress

Sometimes fatigue and stress go hand in hand to make life more complicated. Sometimes stress will be the main protagonist and other times, fatigue. The point is that both are quite related.

Although fighting them completely is quite difficult, especially through natural remedies, combining some foods in smoothies can help us. However, it is important that we do not neglect the consultation with a specialized professional if we experience a feeling of permanent stress or fatigue.

Now, for those moments of intermittent or occasional stress we can resort to certain smoothies together with the combination of moments of rest and physical exercise. Here is the recipe for a natural drink of lettuce, tomato and parsley.


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 sticks of celery.
  • 1 bunch of parsley.
  • 4 lettuce leaves.
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).


  • Sanitize all the ingredients and process them in the blender until you get a homogeneous and lump-free liquid.
  • Let it chill in the fridge for a couple of hours, or add a little ice to it for a more refreshing touch.

4. Smoothie to combat anxiety

Pear juice

Anxiety is one of the most widespread psychological problems alongside depression today. It is a subjective state in which the person feels threatened and afraid of what they think may happen. In fact, if you do not know how to manage yourself, the impact it can have on a person’s life will be immense, chaotic and exhausting.

It is important to remember that anxiety, by itself, is part of human nature. Only in certain situations does it become conflictual. Hence, it is recommended to go to a specialized professional when it becomes uncontrollable and permeates the day-to-day of the person, since an anxious mind does not usually choose the best choices and does not have full control over itself.

However, despite the psychological treatment that is received and the activities that can be started, we can incorporate some smoothies into our diet to promote that state of calm that we need so much.


  • 1 ripe pear.
  • 2 tablespoons of ground oats (20 g).
  • 1 glass of mint infusion (250 ml).
  • 5 teaspoons of honey (25 g).


  • Wash the pear very well and take it to the blender along with the oats, the mint infusion and a tablespoon of honey.
  • Blend everything for a couple of minutes and drink it fresh, without straining.

    Final note

    Smoothies to cope with stress can be a good supplement to the diet, helping us to satisfy our appetite, obtain energy and increase physical and mental performance.

    Although this does not mean that they are enough to feel better, especially if stress, anxiety or fatigue accompany us over time. If this happens, it is best to consult a specialist.

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