4 Tips That Will Help You Avoid Accidents In Your Car

It is difficult to predict or avoid accidents in your car, but without a doubt, following the rules, concentrating while behind the wheel and preparing the space safely will minimize the risk. Because if there is one thing clear, it is that when you start the car and hit the road, unforeseen events can occur.

In fact, your life depends not only on you, but on external conditions and on all road actors: other drivers, cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. Also, many lives are linked to your level of responsibility behind the wheel; much more when you drive with family or loved ones on board.

As far as you are concerned, remember to follow the general traffic rules and follow these 4 tips that we are going to give you to avoid an accident in your car.

1. Respect the rules of the road to prevent accidents in your car

Summarizing all the rules of the road is complex; Not in vain to obtain the license you must study a lot about them to be able to approve and get it. However, we will talk about the most important regulations that make the difference between safety and a claim on the road.

Do not consume alcohol or drugs

This is the most important recommendation. Multiple investigations have revealed the effects of alcohol and drug use, such as psychoactive drugs, on consciousness. These alter the mental state, but in turn produce a drowsiness that can prevent us from reacting in a timely manner to an event.

Although being very sleepy is not the same as being drugged or drunk, when driving in a drowsy state, neither are the senses placed on the wheel and there will be problems processing the information that is decisive. On the other hand, so-called micro-dreams can occur , in which the driver closes his eyes for a few seconds.

Alcoholic drinks in a bar.

Buckle up

Driving with the seat belt unbuckled can lead to fines, the least serious. If during an accident or collision you are not insured, it is most likely that you will be thrown through the windshield and your life is in serious danger. This not only applies to the driver, but to all occupants.

Respect the distance between cars

It is known as the safety distance and it depends on the regulations of each country and city. It refers to the importance of not invading the space that can make a difference in a road accident. Suppose that a car must brake to avoid hitting an animal on the road; If you keep the adequate safety distance, you will be able to maneuver and avoid crashing.

Attend traffic signals

Most road signs are designed to prevent accidents, so it is very important to follow them. Among them we find the traffic lights, the stop paddles, the traffic alert for children, the elderly or wildlife.

respect the speed limits

Like the safe distance, speed limits depend on cities and countries. On some roads the limit varies between 30 and 60 kilometers per hour and on the open road it is usually 80 kilometers per hour.

Exceeding the speed limits set by traffic authorities increases the probability of accidents. In addition, the higher the speed, the greater the consequences can be, both for the driver and for the occupants of the vehicle and external actors.

2. Common dangerous situations

To prevent accidents in your car it is vital to pay special attention when certain common situations arise. In fact, the confidence generated by being involved in everyday situations is what makes them dangerous, as it makes us confident drivers.

Not paying attention when leaving the garage

The garage at home, work, or school is the most common area. We are in it every day, but it turns out that they are usually surrounded by children or companions, as well as pets. The most recommended thing before starting the car is to check the surroundings, under the car and, once inside, beep to warn the exit.

Not checking for the presence of children

There are other areas other than the garage where there could be a presence of children and it is necessary, in addition to checking, to slow down. These are areas like schools, kindergartens, and parks. It could happen that a little one runs away or loses his ball and gets in the way. Going slow can avoid bigger consequences.

“Eat” speed bumps

Speed ​​bumps, taches or “policemen lying down” as they are known in different parts, warn of the need to reduce speed in some areas. They are usually located near intersections or attention zones, therefore, passing them can be dangerous. In fact, depending on their height, they affect the control of the vehicle.

3. Distractions to avoid so as not to have accidents in your car

At the wheel there are many things that can distract us, both inside the car and from outside. However, there are some that depend on us and it is those that we must control so that accidents do not occur.

Use the cell phone without hands-free

Attending the cell phone while driving can put us at a high risk of accident. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that texting is a dangerous and deadly driving practice, as it generates visual and cognitive distraction.

Another study showed that, despite knowing about these risks, a high percentage of people continue to use their cell phones in the car. In cases where it is unavoidable to talk while driving, it is better to use a moderate speed, use a speakerphone or hands-free.

Inappropriate care of children

We must start by making it clear that children must be insured inside the car. Depending on the age, they will have to go in specialized chairs or simply using the seat belt. In cases where it is necessary to pay attention to any need of them, it is recommended to park, as doing so while moving can distract us and cause accidents.

Checking the mirrors on the go

Many people often check their mirrors while driving. Ideally, do this before getting in the car. Verify that all the accessories are well located and then start the journey.

In the case in which we must make this adjustment on the road, it is recommended to park. This is because we can get distracted and not see risky situations in time.

Woman checks the rear view mirrors with risk of accident in her car.

4. Dangerous objects in the car

Being direct, it must be said that any object that is loose inside the car is dangerous. If it is necessary to stop without warning or make any maneuver, the utensils that are in the hands or in any place without insurance will fly off.

It has been proven that these objects continue to move and multiply up to 40 times their own weight, becoming lethal if they impact the occupants of the vehicle. Let’s see then what are the most common objects:

  • Suitcases : the suitcases that we carry inside the car must always be tight and not impede the mobility of the occupants.
  • Handbags : cars have suitable spaces to store our handbags, which must also be secured and closed, thus preventing their contents from being emptied and distracted.
  • Electronic devices : these are utensils that usually go by hand. We have them close by to attend to them when necessary, but they are very risky, not only because they distract us, but because in the middle of a maneuver they are the first to be fired.

Preventing accidents in your car is saving lives

As you can see, there are many factors that influence when accidents occur in your car, but you can handle several of them. Although, as we said at the beginning, this is not a guarantee that a claim will not occur, it certainly reduces the chances.

On the other hand, it is important that every time you start the car you remember that you must be responsible at the wheel, because your life, that of your occupants and of the other people who travel the streets depend on it.

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