5 Homemade Deodorants And How To Prepare Them

Alum stone is one of the most widely used homemade deodorants. Do you know any more? We tell you which are the most famous and if they are safe or not.

Today, homemade deodorants are in fashion not only because they would be better for the planet, but also because they would help us protect our health.

Using a body deodorant is part of our hygiene habits because it helps us feel better, with more confidence, by minimizing possible bad smells.

Before choosing the product that best suits us, it is very important to know some differences between a deodorant and an antiperspirant.

Differences between a deodorant and an antiperspirant


They serve mainly to eliminate the bad smell produced by sweating. They are not designed to prevent us from sweating, but will only prevent us from having a bad smell when this happens.

Most are made from a fragrance combined with alcohol, and they are effective for about twelve hours. These types of products are easily assimilated by the body.


Unlike a deodorant, they are intended to prevent sweating. This would be possible thanks to the fact that, according to an article published in NCBI in 2005, they would create a plug in the glands that secrete sweat, generally with small amounts of aluminum salts.

Its effectiveness is calculated to be greater than that of a deodorant and also, they would have a superior antibacterial effect. However, it would not be advisable to apply it to some parts of the body, as they could clog the pores.

homemade deodorants

Which is better: a deodorant or an antiperspirant?

There is currently considerable controversy about the safety of the use of antiperspirants and deodorants, mainly those that contain aluminum. This is because some research has suggested that when applied near the breasts, they could lead to cancer. However, there is no conclusive data in this regard.

Now, how do you choose between deodorant or antiperspirant? The choice will largely depend on our needs and physical characteristics.

Those whose sweat production is not excessive can easily opt for homemade deodorants. It will only help them avoid bad smells when they appear.

In contrast, people who sweat a lot may want to choose an antiperspirant. In this way they will significantly reduce the amount of sweat, in addition to avoiding bad odors.

In general, experts consider that it is best to choose a deodorant that combines an antiperspirant action.

In this way, we would get the best of both products. On the one hand, we would disguise bad smells with a pleasant fragrance. On the other hand, we would reduce the amount of sweat, especially if we produce it in excess.

5 homemade deodorants

1. Alum stone

It is believed that this type of mineral would be a natural deodorant par excellence, this is due to the supposed antimicrobial properties that some studies indicate. However, more research on its safety and effectiveness would be needed.

Supposedly, in addition to avoiding the bad smell, the alum stone would also have bactericidal, astringent and healing properties. As if that were not enough, those who have tried it say that its effectiveness and durability would be wide.

2. Aloe vera

Researchers point out that aloe vera has antimicrobial properties, for this reason it is considered that it could be used as a home deodorant, either alone or mixed with an essential oil.

3. Baking soda

A Food Science study concluded that baking soda might help inhibit the growth of some bacteria under certain conditions.

Thanks to these properties, it is considered that bicarbonate could act as a home deodorant, hiding bad odors. However, it tends to leave stains on clothing so it should be applied a small amount and very carefully.

4. Essential oils

An option widely used as a natural deodorant are essential oils combined with other products, such as the ones we have mentioned, in order to have a scented deodorant. Just a few drops of the oil will help you get a nice smell.

5. Tea tree oil

Despite the lack of conclusive data, an article that compiles different research published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews indicates that tea oil would have antimicrobial properties that could help disguise bad odors, as well as antiseptic, bactericidal and fungicidal functions. Likewise, it could be used to treat infections or skin lesions. More investigations would be necessary.

As you can see, there are different options for homemade deodorants but they do not have a conclusive scientific basis that supports their efficacy and safety. Check with your doctor if you want to change your deodorant method.

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