6 Foods That Help You Increase Serotonin

Did you know that the foods you include in your diet can be decisive when it comes to improving your mood? By increasing serotonin they help us avoid emotional imbalances.

There are a wide variety of foods that, due to their nutritional quality, contribute to increasing serotonin to promote emotional well-being. Although there are many factors involved in the activity of this neurotransmitter, dietary habits positively influence its balance.

The problem is that many have based their diet on refined products, full of fat, sugars and other compounds that are harmful. Although they can be satisfying to some extent, their little or no nutrient content is not very good on a physical, emotional and nutritional level. This is why, to enjoy a good state of mind, it is convenient to consume those foods that increase the production of this chemical substance.  Discover them!

What is serotonin?


The Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that occurs naturally in our body. 95% is secreted in the intestine and the remaining 5% originates in the brain. It directly interferes with mood, since it is one of the chemicals that help reduce stress and depression.

Its optimal production provides an adequate emotional balance and well-being that, in turn, generates other important physical and emotional benefits.

  • Its presence in the body is related to the control of food anxiety and the regulation of sleep cycles.
  • It also interferes with social behavior, sexual desire, and memory.

Foods to increase serotonin

Foods to  increase serotonin are indicated for those who go through a depressive cycle or stress situations. In general, they can be added regularly in the diet to take advantage of the properties that act on emotional health.

1. Turmeric

pile of fresh turmeric roots on wooden table

Famous for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is a spice that is included in the group of natural “antidepressants.”

  • Its essential nutrients support the processes that are responsible for secreting the hormones of happiness, that is, both serotonin and endorphins. In this way, it can help reduce the symptoms of depression, according to a study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
  • This, in turn, blocks the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, involved in emotional imbalances.

2. Tuna

Due to its interesting nutritional composition, tuna is one of the varieties of oily fish with the most benefits for mental well-being.

  • Provides large amounts of B complex vitamins, necessary to regulate the activity of the nervous system.
  • Contains omega 3 fatty acids, recognized for their ability to remove harmful lipids and reduce inflammation. In addition, there is certain evidence that links the consumption of these nutrients with the reduction of the risk of depression.
  • Its essential minerals improve the production of serotonin and increase the energy level in cases of depression.

3. Brewer’s yeast

Beer yeast

Brewer’s yeast is one of those foods that have gained fame in recent years. It stands out for its calming and energetic power, ideal for overcoming some imbalances associated with the state of mind.

  • It is an important source of B vitamins, necessary to strengthen the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  • Stimulates the production of serotonin and endorphins, chemicals that produce pleasure and well-being.

    4. Avocado

    They are delicious, versatile, and can be included in any meal plan. In addition to this, avocado or avocado contains important essential nutrients that support the production of the hormones of happiness.

    • First, it is a source of magnesium and pyridoxine, compounds that have been shown to be necessary for optimal serotonin production.
    • In addition, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that increase energy level and physical and mental performance.

    5. Sunflower seeds

    Sunflower seeds

    The sunflower seeds are light in calories and contain essential fatty acids. These properties, in addition to their satiating power, have given them a special place as a food capable of  increasing serotonin.

    • They contain significant amounts of magnesium and zinc, minerals that support the balance of wellness hormones.
    • Its healthy fatty acids improve cardiovascular health and positively interfere with metabolism.

    6. Banana

    Banana is one of the most recommended fruits to have a better mood.

    • Its natural sugars help to increase the energy level, which increases the feeling of vitality.
    • Its high contribution of tryptophan, an essential amino acid, makes it one of the most indicated foods for a correct production of serotonin.
    • It contains B vitamins and antioxidants that, once assimilated, regulate the processes of the nervous system.

    It is possible to increase serotonin by taking care of the diet

    In conclusion, if you feel low in spirits or are going through an episode of depression, feel free to eat these foods to increase serotonin naturally. They will help you feel much better.

    However, these remedies are not substitutes for proper medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, they would be more of an aid to treatment. Also, you can take it to alleviate specific circumstances. If you want more information, we recommend you consult the bibliography.

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