6 Ways To Hide Imperfections In Your Home

No one knows our home better than we do. Therefore, there will not be another person better suited to decide what to wear to visitors and which corners it is better to hide a little. Are you aware of how to hide imperfections in your home?

As perfect as we consider our home,  surely there will be a part, even a tiny detail, that we will want to remove from the sight of those who visit us.

We are not only referring to permanent problems, such as stains or scratches on the wall, but also to more temporary situations, such as a messy room or objects that your pet leaves lying around.

Here ‘s a list of recommendations to hide imperfections in your home. Do not hesitate to apply them: they will cost you very little effort; most of them, in addition, do not require large outlays of money.

6 ways to hide imperfections in your home

1. Damage to the wall

Faced with such a problem, the logical and most effective solution is to use smoothing putty to repair it. However, you can also use other more creative but equally valuable ideas.

The best of these is to paint the walls with an effect that ignores imperfections. For example, stucco or gritty effect can do this to a great extent.

Finally, you also have the alternative of using wallpaper for the entire wall. Although it can be somewhat expensive, it is a very practical alternative, since it is extremely easy to clean.

Wall with cracks to imperfections.

2. Things thrown everywhere

Who has not happened that a surprise visitor arrives and runs to hide the disorder in a place where it cannot be seen? To face this traumatic moment in conditions, it is essential to have enough storage spaces.

For this, it is good that you think about having an extra closet when planning your home. In case this is not a possibility, try to leave drawers available or at least a space in the room where you can store objects “temporarily”.

3. Stains or scratches on walls

It is a case quite similar to the first point. In fact, we could well apply practically the same solutions.

However, in this item we want to add a decorative element that has saved so many walls in history: the painting. A family photo, a diploma, a work of art or even any landscape can be your best ally to get out of such a rush.

4. The pet’s objects

Although having a pet is a source of incalculable love and companionship, the truth is that its elements are not always synonymous with cleanliness. We can even receive people who feel very uncomfortable when they find the pet’s things everywhere.

Beyond the considerations that can be made about the correctness or not of your attitude, we can save ourselves all kinds of problems with a few simple modifications. One of them is, for example, to store their toys and blankets in a box in a room. Don’t worry: your pet will know how to find it.

On the other hand, if you have a cat, it is logical that you have a litter box at home. If this is the case, it will always be preferable that you leave it in a place out of sight of the rest of the inhabitants and visitors. 

Obviously, by this we mean that you do not leave it in the kitchen, the bathroom or, much less, in the dining room. In addition to the smell, remember that your cat will not have limitations in terms of the times he chooses to relieve himself.

Litter box for cats.

5. What to do with that column?

It often happens that indoors, gardens and terraces  we find a column that bothers much more than it helps. For logical reasons, we cannot move it. How do we take advantage of it?

The best thing in these cases is to do just the reverse: give it prominence. Then, you can resort to wallpapers, paintings that match the colors of the other walls or even adhesives that give it that special touch that they so much need.

6. Hide the router

You may have already noticed that the router is an essential element in all houses, but its benefits in terms of decoration are not exactly the best. We have the perfect solution: cover it with a book.

If you have an old book, you can tear off the pages and put the device inside. This way you will be able to cancel out its bad visual effect; incidentally, you will get rid of all the cables, which add very little to the beauty of your living room or bedroom.

As you have seen, hiding the imperfections of your house is totally possible. You just have to put these tips into practice and you will get rid of those defects that you have always wanted to hide. Use your imagination and you will be able to find original solutions for these home problems.

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