7 Tips To Be A Super Mom

Is it possible to be a super mom?  Faced with the demands that women impose on themselves to feel full and fulfilled, motherhood can add to the burden. And it is that for many, achieving it can be a real challenge.

Being a super mom doesn’t mean taking care of everything.

Have an orderly house, take care of and raise children, do a formal job, have a partner and feel beautiful and healthy; it may seem like a lot for the same human being, but that seems to be the goal.

Could it be that we went crazy?

Tips for being a super mom

The basic key to being a super mom is to  avoid being overwhelmed with perfection, it just doesn’t exist. Based on this fundamental premise, we leave you seven tips that we consider essential for you to successfully and happily go through your journey through a more conscious motherhood.

1. Love and forgive

Super mom-holding-her-son-in-arms-while-seeing-a-flower

The love one has for the family is proclaimed and demonstrated. Children will always want to hear from their parents an “I love you”, for them the number of times they hear it will never be excessive. But you also have to prove it.

How? Having time to play with them, to study together, to share as a family, being firm with the limits they need to grow healthy and giving them the fluid and timely communication they require.

Forgiveness must also be in the family dynamics. There are many times that mistakes will be made, you can even hurt that person who is considered the most loved.

Asking for forgiveness and forgiving in order to grow as human beings is part of a conscious motherhood.

2. Prioritize what’s important

Organize your schedule and attend first to what cannot be postponed, depending on what is unavoidable.

If you have to finish a job and you already know what the children’s school time is, take advantage of the time to make it productive and fulfill your work responsibilities.

There are technological resources that can help you organize your commitments as a woman. Simply, prioritize the most urgent and remember what should not be forgotten.

You can save visits to the bank with electronic transactions and you can organize your email so that you attend the most important first.

3. Organize housework

Super mom with her daughter holding flower pots

Housework should be a responsibility shared by all members of the family. Each can take on tasks based on their age, strength, and abilities. Together they can organize a calendar of housework.

The obsession with order and cleanliness is not healthy, nor is disorder and dirt. If you delegate tasks to all the members, together they can achieve the clean and pleasant environment they need at home.

Be careful with being a mom who supports machismo. Let Dad help with the housework.

Similarly, the  children and adolescents  may have different responsibilities depending on their age.

4. Share your time

Among the many activities that everyone does at home, there must be space to share as a family. They should eat at least one meal a day together, with the TV and cell phones turned off. Family meals promote the physical and emotional health of children and adolescents.

In that organization, you must include time for each child, for your partner and, of course, for yourself. And what is not achieved today remains for tomorrow, but postponing it does not mean forgetting it.

5. Laugh  and cry

mother working

In family life there are good and not so good emotions. A super mom enjoys family company and shares the joy of being together. Smile after a hard day’s work ; but at the same time, she shares the tears with her partner and children in the adverse circumstances that can bring her down.

Sharing emotions, feeling them, regulating them and acting accordingly is part of the learning that a super mom gives her children. More than theorizing about it, the children see it every day in the example that mom gives.

6. Recognize the father

A super mom recognizes and values ​​the man who gave life to her children. Share with your partner from household chores to parenting. We have mistakenly created a mother figure who can do anything, which has curtailed the ability to accept the love and support of the man-partner-father with whom life is shared.

If the couple is separated it does not mean that the children are separated from the father. Even in cases where the father is absent and does not fulfill his responsibilities, the super mom avoids inspiring resentment or hatred in her children. Relationship problems don’t have to harm your relationships with your children.

7. Take care of yourself

4 beauty tips for a busy mom

You must take care of your children, but also of yourself. To be a super mom and meet the demands of growing children, you have to be physically, mentally and emotionally fit. A good diet and exercise is essential.

Also, if you want your children to eat healthy and exercise from a young age, the best way for them to do so is with your example. If you feel overwhelmed with your family responsibilities or do not know how to handle any of the difficult situations that it entails (for example, your children’s adolescence), do not hesitate to seek professional help.

And it is that your mental and emotional balance also depends on the well-being of your children.

Final thought for every super mom

Being a super mom does not mean being “super powerful.” The essential thing in a conscious motherhood is to accept and recognize that you need support and help, that you need to delegate. In that acceptance and recognition is your strength to raise your children.

This is especially important for those mothers who have to face the raising of their children alone. And it is that there will always be a helping hand, a grandmother, a brother or sister who can give you the support you need so that the fact of raising your child without a father does not become bitter for you, or for your child.

Your children need your care and guidance to grow. A super mom loves, supports, encourages, understands, and in due course lets her children take charge of their destiny and live up to their own choices.

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