9 Curious Tricks To Dry Your Nails Before They Get Ruined

We cannot deny that the minutes after the manicure are eternal and prevent us from carrying out many tasks. The use of one or more glazes, regardless of their quality, implies that we stand still so as not to spoil the result. However, there are many products on the market to dry the nails faster, such as drying lacquers or sealing polishes.

If you do not have any of these items at home, do not worry because you can achieve almost the same effect with some very simple tricks. Do you want to keep your nail polish perfect? Keep reading!

9 tricks to make nail polish dry faster

Next, we want to share with you several tricks that, according to popular wisdom, help nail polish to dry faster and look better. Be sure to try them if you need it!

1. Olive oil

Benefits of extra virgin olive oil.

In addition to being an ingredient that could help strengthen nails, olive oil is a good ally to achieve faster drying.

How to use?

  • After applying the polish on your nails, allow a few minutes to pass and apply a layer of transparent varnish.
  • Then, almost immediately, spread them with a drop of olive oil.
  • Then distribute the product with a brush and let it dry for a few seconds.

2. Dust cleaner

Hand-held cleaners used to remove dust from tough crevices and corners can also be used for quick drying without damaging the enamel.

How to use it on nails?

  • Pull your nails away from the blower first and run it for several minutes.
  • Try to keep them at a suitable distance so that the air pressure does not damage the product.

3. Apply thin layers of nail polish

Red manicure.

One of the mistakes that are often made when painting and decorating nails is applying thick layers of polish in order to save time. The truth is that, with this method, the nails take longer to dry and, if that were not enough, they are easily damaged when they come into contact with other substances or surfaces.

So that this does not happen to you again, remember that it is preferable to apply two thin layers of enamel.

How to use?

  • First, drain the nail polish brush and apply a thin layer to the nail.
  • Then let it dry for a few seconds and apply another thin coat.

4. Hair dryer

In professional beauty salons they have special devices to dry the nails and they are used to make the manicure perfect. Since you probably don’t have one of these devices at home, you can replace it with a hair dryer.

How to use?

  • About 10 minutes after you’ve painted your nails, you can blow-dry to make them dry faster. To do this, place it at a distance of about 20 centimeters from your hands, set it to the lowest temperature and pass it on your nails for a few seconds.
  • To make the paint even, flick the blow dryer as you run it over your nails. Avoid keeping it fixed.

5. Aerosols

Although they are not recommended for environmental reasons, drying sprays for nails work perfectly. You can get it in beauty centers, or in stores that sell aesthetic products.

How to use?

  • After applying the polish, spray a small amount of spray and wait about two minutes.
  • If you want to be a little more environmentally friendly, go for cooking oil sprays.

6. Ice water

Hands with cold water to quickly dry the nail paint.

In case you weren’t aware of it, nail polishes can dry much faster when exposed to low temperatures after being applied. Ice water or ice cubes is a very interesting solution.

How to use it?

  • Pour some ice cubes into a bowl of water and, after painting your nails, wait a few minutes (10-15) and then dip your hands in the water.
  • Make sure to spread your fingers wide so your nails don’t touch each other.
  • Leave them for 3 minutes and remove them.
  • Finally, allow them to air dry.

7. Freezer

As we said in the previous point, low temperatures are the best to achieve a perfect and fast drying. If you don’t want to waste your ice cubes, you can choose to put your hands directly in the freezer.

8. Quick-drying enamels

When buying your enamels you can ask for those that have fast drying properties. The most common are the transparent ones, which are used as a final coat to seal the other colors while their drying is accelerated.

How to use?

  • First, cover your nails with a thin layer of quick-drying clear nail polish.
  • Let it act for about 3 minutes and that’s it.

9. Coconut oil

Coconut oil for skin fungus

For a manicure made with a quick-drying polish to be perfect, in addition to resorting to the aforementioned tricks, you can resort to applying a little almond oil.

  • You can use a watercolor brush for this. You dip it in a little coconut oil and gently rub it over the surface of your nails.
  • It is important not to soak the brush too much so that it does not ruin the painting.
  • Shake your hands to finish drying and avoid handling objects for the next 30 minutes. And if you’re going to do it, try to be careful.

Dry your nails faster and save time for yourself

As you can see, there are several curious ways to dry your nails fast without blowing them for a long time. Try the one that catches your attention the most and stop wasting time.

Do you know why it is not advisable to “blow” the nails to dry them? Because the breath is wet. Therefore, it is best to opt for something that can give dry air, be it a dryer or a special device for manicure.

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