Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: 5 Remedies To Reduce Pain

For several decades, many people have suffered from the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Now, if previously this problem was mainly related to the use of the computer, today it is also associated with the use of mobile phones and other devices. On the other hand, it occurs frequently in workers in various sectors who perform repetitive tasks with their hands, such as assembly line workers, pneumatic hammer operators, and even housewives and athletes.

According to experts from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, “studies show that women and adults are more likely to suffer from this condition. “

If diagnosed early, surgical intervention may not be necessary. Likewise, in these cases it would be possible to resort to certain remedies to alleviate the pain while following the treatment prescribed by the doctor, if the professional so authorizes it.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

Sore hand from carpal tunnel

The carpal tunnel of women is usually narrower than that of men, for this reason, they are more likely to suffer from CTS. On the other hand, this characteristic makes that area located between the bones of the wrist and the annular ligament of the carpus, where the flexor tendons of the fingers and the median nerve are, suffer more easily. It is compressed, the tendons become inflamed, and fluid usually appears. All this means that there is less space and that the nerve is obstructed. This can be very painful.

  • It is possible that the pain occurs at night and is accompanied by cramps, these usually even reach the elbow, at the same time that the hand becomes numb and the thumb of the hand feels stitches.
  • Due to all the above, the person may have problems when it comes to picking up small things, almost losing the sense of touch. The sense of the “pincer” that is to say, picking things up with the index and thumb is something that costs a lot.

    In summary, as the experts of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand indicate “symptoms can include numbness, tingling and pain in the arm, hand and fingers of the hand “. They also indicate that the intensity of these discomforts can vary depending on how advanced the problem is and whether or not adequate treatment is already being received.

    Although it seems that they are few annoyances or minor annoyances, they should not be dismissed, because if they are not attended to and continue forcing the hand, the problem could be considerably aggravated.

    Remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome

    As we have been commenting, depending on the case, the treatment that the doctor will prescribe will be one or the other. However, it should be remembered that it is necessary to avoid self-medication as well as continue doing repetitive activities with the sore hand, as this could be harmful.

    On the other hand, if the doctor has already indicated a treatment, it may be asked if it would be possible to take advantage of some remedies to obtain relief. If you give your authorization, they can be used following your instructions.

    Among the most popular remedies proposed by popular wisdom to alleviate CTS are the following that we will discuss below.

    1. Anti-inflammatory plaster with ginger

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    There are various natural elements with anti-inflammatory properties, such as ginger. To make a hand relief poultice, you will need a grated tablespoon of this root, eucalyptus, and peppermint.

    You can use essential oils or make the infusions yourself, which will have the same effects. To do this, take 5 leaves of each plant, plus two tablespoons of ginger. Make the infusion with a glass of water for later, leave it a little in the fridge to apply it cold. Finally, put it on a compress and apply it for half an hour. 

    2. Anti-inflammatory plaster of cypress and rosemary

    You can also make an infusion with two sprigs of rosemary in a glass of water. Let it cool down, and then first, give yourself a little massage with the cypress oil. You should know that cypress is a good anti-inflammatory. Afterward, apply the rosemary-infused cold compress.

    3. Contrast baths

    Contrast baths, that is, the application of hot-cold with water, can also help to obtain relief. You can do it in help.

    4. Infusion of chamomile

    Chamomile tea as a medicinal flat.

    Chamomile is an herb that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, therefore, it can be a good remedy to relieve the discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome. For this reason, it is worth giving this simple, easy-to-prepare drink a try.

    If you don’t like to drink it alone, you can add a touch of artisan honey.

    5. Ice packs

    Ice packs are another of the most popular remedies to relieve discomfort caused by CTS. To apply them correctly, first wrap them in a piece of fine cloth, so you don’t burn your skin. You can alternate the application of the compress with the aforementioned remedies.

    Ergonomic guidelines, another aspect to take into account

    The use of the mobile, the tablet and the computer makes this part of the body suffer a lot and the problem worsens. Therefore, it is necessary to try not to abuse technology during treatment to achieve improvement. 

    So, try not to spend many hours typing on your mobile, and if you use the computer a lot, at least try to do it for short periods of time, take breaks from time to time and, if you can, use an ergonomic keyboard that does not force straining or bending the wrist too much.

    You can also do various gentle exercises with your hands if your doctor recommends it. Just make circles with them for a minute, or grab your left thumb with your right and stretch them a bit for a minute as well. It is simply a matter of not losing flexibility, of loosening and relieving. Always gentle and not very intense exercises.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is an ailment that cannot be reversed and that almost always forces us to have to have surgery in the most serious cases, but until that day comes or not, it is worth following these tips.

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