Discover The Healthiest Dairy

There are many types of dairy, adapted to individual tastes and characteristics. But it is up to us to choose quality products for our body.

Much has been written about dairy, and nutritionists have yet to agree on whether or not it is good for you. It is possible that each person is different and that the same diet does not suit us all. In this article, we will explain some questions about its quality.

Discover all the options that dairy offers us, as well as some curiosities about cheese, yogurt, kefir, butter or ghee.

What dairy products do we consume?

milk @ Doug88888


Of all dairy products, milk is considered the most difficult to digest because many people do not tolerate lactose well. When milk is not digested well, it can cause skin problems, mucus, allergies or digestion (heartburn or gas).

If we do not want to do without dairy, we can initially try with the milk of other animals such as goat or sheep, since they have less lactose. This would make them, in general, better assimilated by the body.

If we do not tolerate any of these drinks well, we should consult with the doctor to determine how to replace them. Vegetable drinks are usually chosen, such as oatmeal, rice or almond drinks. These can serve as a substitute and are also very nutritious and healthy.

The cheese

subsequent epicure cheese

Cheese is a delicious dairy derivative whose consumption should be limited by those who suffer from cholesterol or hypertension. In these cases it is better to opt for fresh goat or sheep cheese or cottage cheese.

Those who do not have these health problems should look for quality cheeses, handcrafted and preferably semi-cured.

We recommend not abusing cheese from the afternoon hours, since it usually contains a high fat content, which can hinder the work of the liver at night and cause fluid retention problems or insomnia.

Vegetarians should take into account that many cheeses are made with animal rennet today, so they should look for those that are made with vegetable rennet.

The yogurt

Marisa Food in Jars yogurt

According to WebMD, it is a healthy food that contains ferments that facilitate intestinal function. Also, it is lower in lactose than milk. It is recommended to avoid those that have artificial additives such as flavorings and white sugar.

We should always choose natural yogurt, or prepare it at home with the help of a yogurt maker or directly in a casserole. There are also organic and artisanal options that may have a higher nutritional value.


An article in Critical reviews in food science and nutrition points out that kefir is a fungus that ferments milk, giving rise to a type of yogurt rich in ferments to which different beneficial properties for health are attributed. For example, it would help improve digestive health and intestinal transit.

The grains of the kefir mushroom can be obtained in some herbalists or by asking acquaintances. Since this fungus grows and can be easily transferred. Some stores sell it already prepared.

Butter and ghee

Despite the prejudices, the truth is that it is a nutritious food, as long as it is consumed in moderation. In fact, the Spanish Nutrition Foundation explains that it is an interesting source of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A (where it has a content 20 times higher than that of milk), vitamin E and D.

In addition, we could “clarify” the butter to make it healthier, for example removing excess fat. This recipe, traditional from India, is known as ghee.

When choosing dairy, try to choose the healthiest ones, always taking your own health as a parameter. In other words, if cow’s milk does not suit you, substitute it under professional advice for another that provides you with the nutrients you need.

Images courtesy of @ Doug88888, Marisa Food in Jars, mfcorwin and ulterior epicure

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