Do You Want To Tone Your Abdomen At Home? Put These 5 Exercises Into Practice

In order to tone the abdomen, in addition to performing these exercises, it is advisable to maintain a balanced diet, apart from drinking enough water during the day.

If you want to tone your abdomen at home, do not give it more laps and start to wear it right away. There are several routines that can help you get into the habit of exercising and also, you do not need any type of machine or special instrument to get to work.

Strengthening the abdomen and developing resistance in that area constitutes objectives of great value for health and physical performance, as stated in a study summary that was carried out at the University of Alicante .

However, it should be noted that it is a goal to which you have to dedicate a lot of time. Therefore, consistency will be key. Likewise, it is essential to adopt good eating habits to be able to appreciate results.

Luckily, to tone your abdomen you don’t have to resort to gym machines or difficult-to-execute workouts. Actually, you can choose to do some very simple exercises.

1. Abdominal plank with forearms

Abdominal plank with forearms

The abdominal plank is an ideal exercise to tone your abdomen at home that, in addition to improving the appearance of the belly, also reduces back pain. Although the pose seems simple, it is a practice that requires concentration and balance.

How to do it?

  • First, lie on your stomach and support yourself on the floor with your forearms and the balls of your feet.
  • Then keep your back straight and make sure your elbows are just below your shoulders.
  • Then contract your abdominal muscles and hold the pose for 30 seconds.
  • Once you gain stamina, you can increase the time to 40 or 45 seconds.
  • Perform 4 series.

2. Basic abs

While there are many ways to vary your abs, this basic practice continues to be used to help tone these muscles. They are ideal for beginners and also complement the benefits of other workouts.

How to make them?

  • First, lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor.
  • Then rest your head on your fingers with your elbows spread.
  • Next, contract your abdominal muscles and lift your head, lifting your upper back off the floor.
  • Hold 2 or 3 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Perform 15 repetitions of 4 series.

3. Bicycle to tone your abdomen at home

Woman doing bicycle crunches.

This abdominal exercise mimics the movement you do when riding a bicycle, but allows you to focus the work on the muscles in this area of ​​the body. In fact, its regular practice can help strengthen the lower back and improve circulation in the legs.

How to do it?

  • To begin, lie on your back, lift your legs, and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle.
  • Second, while maintaining this posture without dropping the legs, try to join one of the elbows with the opposite leg and extend it.
  • Then, perform alternating movements with each elbow and leg until completing 20 repetitions.
  • It is important that when performing this exercise you focus the force on the abdomen to help you rotate the trunk.
  • Complete 3 or 4 sets.

4. Lower abs

To tone your abdomen at home – and specifically your lower abs – do this simple exercise that is focused right on that area. Pay attention to the movement you make, since you cannot lift your back off the ground.

How to do it?

  • To start, lie on your back and support yourself with your hands on a bar or place them with your arms extended to the sides.
  • Then raise the legs without lifting the lower back and focus the force on the lower abdominal area.
  • Then, go up and down with slow movements until completing 15 repetitions.
  • Perform 3 series.

5. Knees to chest

Knees to chest

For this exercise to help you tone your abdomen at home, it is essential that you keep your abdominal muscles contracted while raising your knees. With this practice, you benefit the lower back and if you avoid dropping your legs to the ground you can also strengthen the glutes.

How to do it?

  • First, lie down on the floor with your legs extended and your arms at your sides.
  • Second, bend your knees and then raise them toward your chest.
  • Next, make sure to keep your calves parallel to the ground and take a deep breath while running the exercise.
  • It is essential to focus the force in the abdomen and extend the legs again, without letting them touch the ground.
  • Finally, perform 12 or 15 repetitions until completing 4 series.

Maintain other good lifestyle habits to see results

These exercises must be integrated into a healthy and adequate diet so that the results are noticeable in the short term.

Correct nutrition has been shown to be linked to the performance of physical training, this being an infallible method to achieve high goals and achieve objectives with greater efficiency, as was shown by a study by the University of La Rioja.

Are you working to tone your abs at home? Include these exercises in your daily routine and discover how beneficial they are for strengthening your abdominal muscles. Keep in mind that the results will not be immediate and must be supplemented with a healthy diet controlled in fat and calories, while drinking plenty of water on a regular basis. What are you waiting for?

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