Does Quitting Smoking Make You Fat?

One of the many excuses that smokers make to continue consuming this addictive drug is that by leaving it sure they gain a few extra kilos. But what is true in this? Is it a myth or is it a proven reality? First of all, it must be said that quitting smoking is an excellent decision and an investment in quality of life.

As indicated by the professionals of the Tobacco Control Program, tobacco use is the leading cause of disease, disability and death in the world. Every year more than 5 million people in the world die from smoking. The most important causes of death related to tobacco use are certain heart diseases, some types of cancer and respiratory diseases.

Quitting smoking has a significant influence on well-being. Many ex-smokers say that soon after quitting, they have noticed how they tend to suffer fewer colds and, in turn, feel the symptoms with much less intensity. And yet there is the doubt and the apparent problem that quitting smoking makes you fat. We develop this idea below.

Myth or Reality?

According to recent research, women who quit smoking tend to gain some weight during the first three months. After a while, when the organism begins to stabilize again (in the end, it is getting out of an addiction, with all that this entails), this gain is reduced. Thus, 12 months after quitting, they have already lost the weight they could have gained. Therefore, weight gain is considered temporary.

But what is the real reason that when we quit smoking we gain weight? The main reason lies in the fact that, as Medline Plus professionals indicate, when a smoker consumes a box of 20 cigarettes a day, the nicotine in them helps to “burn” more than 250 calories.

Likewise, as has been proven in some research, tobacco also tends to cause an unreal feeling of satiety in the person that makes you lose your appetite a little. For this reason, when it is finally stopped, it can produce just the opposite effect. 

And hence, that you can gain between 4 or 8 kilos during the first weeks.  Because of this, in certain cases, many people go into a kind of shock when they see how they get fat. In those cases, this cause can be taken as an excuse to return to vice.

However, weight gain (if it does occur, as it can be avoided) does not tend to last more than 6 months . What’s more, after this period of time, the body begins to get used to not depending on tobacco.

Basic Recommendations

To avoid gaining weight when you stop smoking, it is essential to take good care of your diet and not stop exercising regularly. In addition, it is always good to ask for professional help, especially in order to avoid falling back into addiction prematurely.

Thus, it is important to avoid caffeinated beverages and drink water instead. By drinking sufficient amounts of fluids throughout the day, we not only help keep the body well hydrated, but also “satisfy” the craving for smoking and appetite.

In any case, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet, following the guidelines of your doctor. It is essential to avoid industrial pastries, soft drinks, sweets and the like, since these edibles only contribute to weight gain. Instead, take advantage of high-fiber foods. Oatmeal, for example, is highly recommended.

Exercise regularly. There is no better way to forget about tobacco than by moving your skeleton. Remember that with exercise endorphins, the hormones of happiness, are released. Thus, we only have to look for an activity that attracts our attention and we like to practice it for at least 30-40 minutes a day.

Do not accept cigarettes

In many cases, it is especially hard to start physical activity at first, since a lot of lung capacity was lost with smoking. However, over time, little by little the person begins to notice significant improvements, in addition to gaining more and more resistance.

As we mentioned at the beginning, quitting smoking is investing in health.

Note: whether you are planning to quit smoking or have already done so, it is essential that you take good care of your health and follow the instructions of your doctor. 

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