How Do You Know If Someone With A Partner Likes You?

If you think someone with a partner likes you, you should analyze the pros and cons before making any decision, as it is a very delicate situation.

Do you think a person with a partner could like you? In general, it is usually a somewhat complicated experience, especially when you are also attracted to it.

In these cases, it is important to assess a number of issues. You may be rushing, you may not even really like it and what attracts you is the “forbidden” or you are misinterpreting the signals you perceive.

The problem is that you are not clear if their behaviors are simple courtesy, if you are confusing or if there is actually chemistry between the two.

Therefore, we share with you some signs that could indicate that he is attracted to you.  Get to know them!

Signs that someone with a partner likes you

He looks at you different

Girls and boy looking into each other's eyes

When there is attraction involved, the look changes. Therefore, if he feels interested in you, he will stare at you and will not miss a single opportunity to observe you.

This action can be voluntary or unconscious; Sometimes, even if he tries to avoid it, he may not be able to stop looking at you when you pass or are close to him.

Wants to have you close

If there is already a friendship between you, that person will try to keep you close. It is possible to notice it because it does not behave with you the same as with its other friends.

Often times, he shows some interest without having much physical contact to find out what his chances are with you, even if you know that he is engaged.

He tells you his most intimate things

You are aware that he talks to you too much even though he has a partner. During the day you both keep in touch and  tell each other what you are doing or where you are going.

If he shows an interest in constantly knowing what you do or what has happened to you throughout the day, his feelings for you may go beyond a simple friendship.

Compare his partner with you

Nobody likes to be compared, that’s true. However, when the other person starts comparing their partner to you, they may be indirectly telling you how much they like you.

It is common for him to tell you that it would be nice if his current partner was like you or had many of your qualities. In fact, he can go so far as to say that he thinks of you when he has a conflict in his relationship.

Invites you out

It is normal that, as friends, you want to share moments together. What is not so normal is his insistence on inviting you to do intimate things that he could do with his partner.

Instead of going to the movies with her, she proposes it to you; Instead of telling his partner to go see an exhibition together, he suggests it to you, etc. He proposes you to do activities alone most of the time and tries to avoid mentioning the person he is dating.

He gets jealous when you go out with another

If you talk to that person all day, even without anything concrete, it is likely that at some point he will show you jealousy or a certain interest if you meet another person.

For example, if you tell him that you are going out with someone, he changes his attitude or he reproaches you. Sometimes he even suggests that you don’t do it because he thinks it’s not good for you.

He calls you when he is wrong with his partner

This may make you feel like “a second course”; however, it is common for that person to come to you when they are going through a moment of crisis with their current partner.

The confidence he has to talk to you about the subject sometimes comes with an intention: to know if he has a chance with you in case his current relationship ends.

Happy woman talking on the phone

Try to be in your social circle

Do you notice that you meet him anywhere when you go out with your friends? Do you meet in different places? It may not be a mere coincidence.

If that person is attracted to you, they will look for a thousand excuses to see you. Being in your social circle is more likely to be closer to you.

Do not accept crumbs

If you are already clear about how he feels about you and it is reciprocal, it may be time to act and talk with that person. Perhaps as a result of knowing what you feel, he ventures to break up with his partner and you begin to get to know each other more. However, keep in mind that sometimes there are people who just like flirting.

Be careful. Do not lose your dignity or your self-esteem just for a smile or a look. Try to analyze the situation very well before making any kind of decision. Remember that it is very complex to be in the middle of another commitment.

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