How To Build A Great Relationship With Your Partner?

The relationship is full of difficulties and challenges that must be overcome day by day to achieve that stability and rapport that everyone longs for. To begin with, all human beings know, a priori, that perfection itself does not exist.

Therefore, finding other completely perfect individuals through life becomes practically impossible, also the sentimental field. However, once you enter into a stable relationship with your partner, the trip marks a very interesting starting point. Thus, the primary objective of this union focuses on building a great communion.

The goal is then to achieve a relationship full of imperfections, but with the necessary maturity to know how to find solutions to problems and live in peace.

The couple’s problem

The couple's problem

Different industries are responsible for selling a distorted image of what a relationship really is. Series, novels and movies present an unreal image of relationships. Clichéd stories prevail and ultimately hinder many people’s ideas about relationships.

John Kim, therapist and author of The Angry Therapist , assures that if you seek perfection you will be disappointed and lead a lonely life. Additionally, Kim notes that the concept of perfection changes over the years. What’s perfect at 20 may not be perfect at 40.

A solution for couples

Next we will expose a series of tips that can help you establish a healthy coexistence with that special person chosen to accompany us through life.

1. Get physically close

Physical contact is one of the most determining factors when it comes to achieving a healthy relationship with your partner. Body language should be consistent with the level of trust between both people, as long as it is done properly.

First is respect. If the other person is not willing to receive any type of contact, it is best not to force it.

The most comforting practice when it comes to physical closeness is hugging. One can only convey confidence, joy and lift the mood if something unpleasant has happened.

2. Pay attention

This is perhaps quite clichéd advice when it comes to relationships. However, it is one of the factors that must be taken into account the most when dealing with another person.

Attention should be paid to the signs. We must take into account verbal and non-verbal language since, on many occasions, some people do not usually tell what happens to them. Thus, starting from such an appreciation, amazing things can be achieved.

3. Work as a team


Many tend to say that relationships are like a company, starting from the idea of ​​effort. This means that when both work towards a common goal, great results are achieved. Otherwise, it falls off.

Relationships work the same way. If one of the two tries hard and the other does not, the most likely thing is that the couple does not work and ends up breaking up. Therefore, in all responsibilities related to the relationship, both people must make a team effort to keep things as healthy as possible.

Regardless of which field of the relationship it applies to, be it cooking, keeping accounts and other types of responsibilities, sharing tasks makes the relationship a healthy and strengthened practice.

4. Discuss with respect

Over time, the concept of the word argue has been misrepresented. So much so that it is even considered a negative sign, as a baseless fight with bad energy.

However, this word can refer to the opposite. Arguing means using arguments to defend a position or an idea, as long as there is respect. This is one of the most important tips when it comes to achieving a great and stable relationship.

It should always be borne in mind that, being two individuals, there will most likely be different points of view. Therefore, they must be respected and, above all, know how to expose them through healthy discussion.

In short, building a relationship can be difficult. However, with patience and following some tips like the ones we just left you, it will be easier for you. In any case, remember that you can always consult with a couples therapist who will help you personally.

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