How To Help Your Child Overcome The Death Of His Pet

The moment a pet dies is simply heartbreaking. Beyond the pain you may be feeling, concern for your child and his first encounters with death prevail. In this article, we’ll tell you how you can help your little one cope with the death of their pet.

How to get over the death of your pet

It doesn’t matter how it happened, whether it was a long illness or a tragic accident. Nor does the size of the pet matter, or how long it has lived with you. The reality is that it can be difficult for your child to understand, accept and cope with the death of their pet.

Companion animals become part of the family. They are companions for games, adventures and mischief for children. Faced with their death, children are often devastated, a bit orphaned and even afraid of losing someone else. Let’s see below how you can help him through this difficult experience.

1. Understand your child’s love for his pet

Dog in family

The first step in helping your child through the process is trying to understand what he is going through. Perhaps you saw the household pet only as that: a companion animal. However, for the vast majority of children, a pet is much more: it is a best friend and even a brother.

Grief over the loss of a pet can be as deep as grief for a family member because, no matter what species they belonged to, your child loved them as part of the family.

2. Empathize with the situation

Put yourself in their shoes. Children in many things act like adults. If the pet has died after a long illness, surely its death is easier to accept than if it has died after an accident.

Pay attention because we are talking about acceptance, not pain. Loss hurts either way, but when a child knows the pet is sick, death is predictable.

The unpredictability of certain situations, such as a fatal accident, can show the child, for the first time in his life, that not everything can be controlled and that can generate a lot of fear.

3. Overcoming the death of your pet: avoid softening reality

In an attempt to protect their children, some parents choose to say that the pet “ran away” rather than explaining that it has been in an accident and has died. Avoid doing it. We know that communicating the death of your pet to your child will be very hard and so will his reaction, but your little one deserves to know the truth.

4. Play with your child

Accompany your child in the grieving process through play. Some children often pretend that a stuffed animal gets sick and dies. This role play can be powerful and healing, take advantage and be part of the game to help your child understand and accept the loss.

5. Read with your child to help him cope with the death of his pet.

Mother reading a story to her daughter to overcome the death of her pet

There are many children’s stories that deal with the death of a family member or a pet, such as “Inside your heart” scored by Sumara Marletta Guimbra when we have the information. Take the time to read a grief story with your little one and talk about it.

6. Express your feelings to overcome the death of your pet

Some children have a hard time showing the pain they feel. Become their catalyst, allowing yourself to show that the loss has affected you. Teach your child that being sad is okay, that it is normal, and that there is nothing wrong with missing a loved one.

7. Talk to your child

Death often generates endless questions in children. Be prepared to answer them in the most honest way possible, always adapted to the age of each child.

8. Honor the pet’s life

Couple stroking a dog

Do not stop talking about the pet, on the contrary, talking about it and remembering good times is important for your child. A small funeral can be a good way to help your child. Saying goodbye to your pet for good may be what you need to feel a little better, even if the pain doesn’t go away and you continue to miss it.

Another option is to prepare a photo album together that allows you to remember your pet. Or plant a tree in his honor. Together with your child, think about what can help him feel a little bit better.

9. Don’t buy another pet

Your child needs time to process the loss and accept that his friend is gone. Don’t try to fill the void with a new animal. Give your child and their grief time before considering adopting a new pet.

10. Observe your child

Having moments of tears and sadness is normal. However, if you notice that your child has nightmares, cannot sleep or is very anxious, consult your pediatrician. A psychological consultation may be necessary to help you cope with the death of your pet.

The death of a pet is often a child’s first encounter with death. Be patient, accompany your child and show him how much you love him. Help him to overcome the death of his pet little by little, as you would if it were a person because, for your son, his pet was his best friend in the whole world.

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