How To Prevent Glaucoma Naturally

Glaucoma is a condition of the optic nerve that, if not detected in time, can cause a person to lose vision. What can contribute to its prevention? In this space we detail everything about it.

Is it possible to prevent glaucoma? This visual problem, also known as eye strain, is caused by a series of deficiencies in the eye. These cause damage to the optic nerve and, if not treated in a timely manner, could cause blindness in the most severe cases. 

For its part, this condition does not present obvious warning signs, and its effect occurs gradually. Because of this, a change in vision may not be noticed until the condition is in an advanced stage. In the following article, we talk more in detail about its causes and habits to reduce risks.

What is glaucoma?

Intraocular pressure occurs due to problems with the drainage of the ocular fluid, in charge of keeping the eyes healthy and hydrated. A publication of the Glaucoma Research Foundation points out that the anterior chamber, that is, the front part of the eye, is made up of a liquid called aqueous humor. This liquid comes out through channels that form the cornea and the iris, called angles.

If the person has glaucoma, that fluid is blocked and cannot come out. As it builds up, it creates pressure in the back of the eye. The tension in that area, destroys the nerve cells of the eye progressively and, therefore, generates the loss of vision.


Meanwhile, coinciding with the Mayo Clinic , there are several types of glaucoma, depending on their origin and evolution. Also, the symptoms are different for each type. We detail them below.

Open angle

  • It occurs in both eyes, and is characterized by the appearance of irregular blind spots in lateral or central vision.
  • Tunnel vision or visual field loss, in the advanced stages.

Closed angle

  • Intense headache.
  • Eye pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blurry vision.
  • Halos around the lights.
  • Redness of the eyes.

What are the causes of glaucoma?

Although the hereditary factor is one of the most frequent causes to suffer from this condition, a publication of the American corporation WebMD , suggests that there are other less common factors, among which are the following:

  • Blunt or chemical injury to the eye.
  • Serious eye infection.
  • Blocked blood vessels within the eye.
  • Inflammatory conditions.

Healthy habits to prevent glaucoma

As we mentioned, this is a condition that occurs progressively and, in most cases, is difficult to detect. However, making some lifestyle changes may help prevent glaucoma.

A publication of the American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests that, although regular exams are very important for the early detection of this condition, there are also other habits to prevent it.

  • Recognize if you are within the population with risk factors and go to the ophthalmologist once a year for a general check-up.
  • Stop using steroids if they have been used for a long time, as these can increase eye pressure. This should be consulted with the doctor.
  • Eat a balanced diet and include foods such as green leafy vegetables and fruits.
  • Exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Protect the eyes from any injury.
  • Avoid positions that require you to put your head down for a long time.
  • Protect the eyes from the sun’s rays.

Other habits to prevent glaucoma

Other habits to prevent glaucoma

To rest

It is very important to sleep the recommended hours every day (between 7 and 8) and, in addition, rest your eyes during the day, especially if it requires spending several hours in front of the computer.

  • Take your eyes off the screen for a few minutes every hour. You can close your eyes, or look out the window. This makes the eyes relax and allows the energy to circulate better.

Exercise the eyes

Just as muscles require training, so does sight. In addition to limiting screen time and reducing screen brightness, you need to move your eyes in all directions.

  • Open and close your eyes, look to the right and then to the left, turn them clockwise and vice versa. All of this will help them relax.
  • A good idea is to extend the arm in front of the body, putting the index finger up. Then move your arm in different directions and make your eyes follow it, without moving your head.

Control blood pressure

Although glaucoma is independent of high blood pressure, they are also related. It is good to take your blood pressure once a week or when your doctor tells you to. In this way, any abnormality can be detected in time to treat this condition in advance, which can become serious.

Some risk factors

Finally, there are risk factors associated with this condition that cannot be avoided, such as race, heredity or age. In such cases, there is no option to prevent glaucoma, but if it is caught early, some steps can be taken.

However, glaucoma can only be diagnosed by a comprehensive eye exam. Early detection and treatment are critical to preserving vision.

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