International Women’s Day 2021: “Women Leaders: For An Equal Future In The World Of COVID-19”

The United Nations (UN) determined that International Women’s Day 2021 will have as its theme “Women leaders: for an equal future in the world of COVID-19.” And more than recognition for the work of women in the midst of the global health crisis, this theme celebrates the contributions of women leaders who continue to fight for a more equal future. Did you know that you can join the celebration?

Since 1975, the UN formalized the commemoration of International Women’s Day with the aim of recognizing and making visible the years of women’s struggle to achieve gender equality and to assert their rights. It is also a day that commemorates and pays tribute to the women who have promoted these ideals for decades.

International Women’s Day 2021

The UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, better known as “UN Women”, unveiled the theme to celebrate International Women’s Day 2021.

First, the theme is a recognition of the contributions that women have made through their skills, knowledge and networks to face the health crisis and recover from its effects. On the other hand, it is a date that aims to give more visibility to the fight against violence and inequality suffered by women and girls around the world.

In relation to this, UN Women highlights that the issue is associated with the priority issue of the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women:

It is also linked to the “Generation Equality” campaign, which calls for an end to all forms of violence against women and girls, and better health care services to meet their needs.

Violence against women.

Women on the front lines against the COVID 19 crisis

The global crisis caused by COVID-19 highlighted more than ever the role of women in society. Women formed the first line to face the pandemic, not only as health workers, but as caregivers, community organizers, defenders and leaders. However, this also made evident the excessive weight they bear.

In any case, it is important to note that now more than ever the contributions of women are recognized, both for their knowledge and skills and for their participation in relevant decisions, policies and laws for the benefit of society, regardless of gender. .

There are still great obstacles to overcome

Despite constituting the majority of front-line personnel in the face of COVID-19, there is still little female representation in national and global policy spaces associated with the disease. According to data from UN Women, only in 20 countries in the world are women heads of state and government.

On the other hand, it should not be overlooked that the confinement aggravated several social problems that already persisted long before the pandemic. This covers the following:

  • Domestic violence
  • Unpaid care tasks.
  • Unemployment.
  • Poverty.

Because of this, International Women ‘s Day is the opportunity to continue demanding equality and participation of women in the political, social, cultural and economic spheres.

Empowered women in 2021.

How can you join the celebration of International Women’s Day 2021?

May International Women’s Day 2021 be the opportunity to join the fight for an “equal future.” Through simple actions you can join the networks that advocate for women’s rights.

The UN recommends the following:

  • Make visible the stories of the women who are leading the response to the pandemic.
  • Disseminates the initiatives that show solutions promoted by women in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
  • It promotes communicative actions to warn about the risks of backsliding on gender equality.
  • Exalt the leadership role of women in your community.
  • Share the content generated by the UN on International Women’s Day.
  • Invite others to join the fight for gender equality.

That every year International Women’s Day is commemorated is essential to remember and reflect on the importance of women’s rights and their fight for gender equality. It is also a date to remember those leaders who have made history.

Despite this, we must be aware that the fight is daily and is far from over. As a community it is essential to promote changes that contribute to equality.

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