Pain In The Pit Of The Stomach: Why Is It?

Every person has suffered, at some time in his life, pain in the pit of the stomach. It is a very common condition and constitutes 30% of the cases of medical consultations.

Now, it is well known that the intensity of pain can vary and can be accompanied by other very varied symptoms. But why is this annoyance?

Pain in the pit of the stomach is usually associated with nerves and poor digestions, however it can also be caused by other gastrointestinal conditions. Hence the importance of going to the doctor to determine the exact origin of the problem.

Causes of pain in the pit of the stomach

Although it is not considered a disease as such, pain in the pit of the stomach is classified as an abnormality of the digestive system. In general, it is not usually significant, except in those cases in which the discomfort persists and worsens.

Next, we will discuss in greater detail what are the most common causes of pain in the pit of the stomach and also what remedies can help relieve it. Do not miss them!

1. Nerves

As mentioned above, nerves are the most common cause of pain in the pit of the stomach. And is that many times the body somatizes anxiety and stress and produces this type of discomfort. This pain is usually accompanied by heartburn and diarrhea.

2. Gases

Intestinal gas

Gas not only gives you cramps but can also cause pain in the pit of your stomach. In general, gases are usually the product of poor digestion or even intolerance to certain foods, such as dairy products and their derivatives.

Gas usually accumulates, almost always, in the pit of the stomach, just below the ribs. They produce some pressure and, therefore, the body becomes inflamed and feels pain in the form of pricks. 

3. Acidity

Heartburn (gastric reflux) is also a cause of pain in the pit of the stomach. When the acids rise to this part of the organ, the pain appears in an ascending way. 

4. Irritable bowel syndrome

There are certain conditions of the digestive system that can also cause pain in the pit of the stomach, such as irritable bowel syndrome. These diseases are classified as: organic dyspepsia. Inflammation of the intestine and the colon area usually causes, in addition to very severe pain, diarrhea or constipation and vomiting. 

5. Drugs

There are drugs that cause gastrointestinal upset;  for this reason, many doctors must prescribe the taking of certain protectors, as the case may be. For example, if a person takes iron supplements or pain relievers such as ibuprofen, it is normal for them to experience pain in the pit of the stomach with some burning sensation. This is usually not serious and the discomfort goes away on its own.

Mayo Clinic experts indicate that “regular use of these pain relievers, or taking them in excess, can reduce a key substance that helps preserve the protective lining of the stomach.”

6. Lack of chewing and rapid swallowing

When a person does not chew their food enough and swallows it very quickly, gastrointestinal discomfort such as pain in the pit of the stomach occurs. It is very important to chew food slowly and correctly so that there can be correct salivation and swallowing of food.

7. Ulcers

When there are ulcers in the gastrointestinal system, one of the symptoms is usually pain in the pit of the stomach. It is a very great annoyance, since it does not even prevent the intake of food. Especially all those that are seasoned or have a spicy flavor.

This type of pain is accompanied by vomiting and a marked burning sensation. Vomiting can become bloody, so it should not be ignored under any circumstances. 

Remedies for pain in the pit of the stomach

Tea infusion.

Drink herbal teas

An infusion of anise, pennyroyal and mint after each meal is a good way to promote good digestion and relax the body. In this way, pain in the pit of the stomach is also fought. You can drink up to 3 cups of infusion per day. 

The ginger root infusion is also very beneficial: it  calms, relaxes, reduces inflammation and improves digestion. Or, if you prefer, you can make the infusion of sage and chamomile.

Take baths

Taking a hot bath can help relieve all kinds of tension and discomfort. In fact, if the bath is accompanied by a gentle massage in the abdomen area with a little lavender oil, the relief will be almost immediate. The massage should be done with slow and circular movements  with the hand or with the help of a sponge.

Take care of the diet

Of course, to avoid pain it is also necessary to pay attention to eating habits, and this includes the way we eat food. You have to chew slowly and avoid large meals, since excesses will only make the problem more serious.

On the other hand, it is important to maintain good hydration to help the body digest. In this way, we will not only relieve pain but also prevent other discomforts from arising.

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