Regulate Hormones And Libido With These Remedies

Hormonal disorders can cause real problems, but it is not always necessary to go only to drugs to regulate them. There are natural remedies that can help in these cases.

There are foods and supplements with medicinal properties that are recommended to complement good lifestyle habits and often improve health. This is the case with maca, sage and chasteberry, which are recommended to regulate hormones and libido.

Although they are not a substitute for the treatment that the doctor may prescribe, it is considered that they could be of help in some cases. For this reason, various investigations have been conducted in this regard.

  • A study published in the Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health talks about the medicinal properties of maca.
  • For its part, a document published in the journal Young Researchers highlights the benefits of sage.
  • Finally, a degree project from the Complutense University of Madrid talks about the therapeutic contributions of chasteberry.

Regulates hormones

Many women suffering from menstrual disorders choose to take the contraceptive pill to regulate their hormonal system. Others, when they reach menopause, also turn to drugs to reduce the annoying symptoms that this hormonal change implies.

In this article we will talk about a natural alternative, with no known risks or side effects. It consists of ingesting the foods and remedies listed below on a daily basis. In this way, you may be able to better regulate hormones, in the most natural way. Plus, you may get other benefits, including increased libido.

Remember that you should not ingest any product without consulting your doctor first, especially if you have health problems.

The bed

Maca root may provide health benefits.

The maca root is native to Peru and is a typical food in that country. It has become popular in the rest of the world as a superfood, thanks to its nutritional values ​​and its health benefits, as highlighted in an article published in Scientia Agropecuaria magazine.

Maca has been established to contain:

  • Fiber.
  • Proteins.
  • Carbohydrates
  • Essential amino acids.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium or zinc.

Thanks to these components, it helps regulate hormones, in addition to enhancing libido in both women and men, regardless of those that are in imbalance. This is also pointed out by the aforementioned Scientia Agropecuaria publication.

Maca is said to also increase fertility , although there are no studies to support this claim. On the other hand, it is a very energetic food and improves the appearance of hair and skin; an article published in the journal Acta Andina corroborates this.

Possible side effects of maca

Some people point out that the only caveat is that maca can make some people nervous . The solution to avoid this would be to buy maca in powder and not in tablets, to start its ingestion in a low quantity and gradually increase it.

If there is increased stress or nervousness, it is appropriate to reduce the dose or suspend its use. Those who use this plant say that it is more convenient to take it in the morning.

No scientific study was found in which these side effects are mentioned, or this dosage is recommended. Instead, an article published in the journal Matronas points out that maca helps reduce nervousness during menopause.

The maintenance dose is 3 grams per day, which is equivalent to one level teaspoon. Some think that you can get up to 9 grams if you want to treat a major health problem. No scientific support was found to support the efficacy or safety of this dose.

Regulate hormones with sage

Sage for foot odor

Regulate hormones with sage, perhaps the best-known medicinal plant to achieve that goal. It provides phytoestrogens, that is, estrogens of plant origin, which are very convenient for those women with low levels of this hormone.

In addition, it is also appropriate for those suffering from menopausal symptoms. An article published by the Scientific Information Magazine reviews these properties of sage.

Sage can calm hot flashes or night sweats, while improving libido, whether it is related to hormonal disorders, or when it is due to a stressful situation, as pointed out in an article from the Psygnos Network.

The most common way to take sage is as an infusion. Those who use this plant say that it is appropriate to take three cups a day, seasonally. No scientific document was found to support the efficacy or safety of this dosage.

Its leaves are also highly valued in the kitchen, as it is considered a delicious aromatic herb. Some recipes even suggest coating the fresh sage leaves and using them as a side and garnish. No scientific document was found to support the efficacy or safety of this form of use.


It regulates hormones with suzgatillo, a medicinal plant that also helps to achieve this purpose. However, unlike sage, it works in reverse. Its mechanism of action is to reduce elevated estrogen levels while increasing progesterone. This is stated in an article published in the magazine Natura Medicatrix.

Those who use this plant say that it reduces libido in women who suffer from having it too high. This data is also suggested in the mentioned article.

Those who use chasteberry say that it requires a continuous and prolonged ingestion, of at least three months. It is believed to be slow acting but also long acting; This means that it continues to work even after you stop taking it.

For this reason, it is advisable to take it seasonally. The study already reviewed by the Complutense University supports this dosage. Chasteberry can be taken as a medicinal infusion or as a supplement (capsules, tincture or tablets). The recommended dose is 450 milligrams of extract per day, divided into two doses.

How are my hormones?

Woman at the gynecologist

There are some symptoms that are indicative of a hormonal disorder :

  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Acne in the chin area.
  • Irregular, scarce or abundant rules.
  • Appearance of hair in areas that are more common in men: chin, breasts, navel, etc.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, it is best to go for a medical check-up and follow the professional’s instructions.

Remember that to know exactly the hormonal behavior you must do  an analysis periodically. You can take advantage of the visit to the gynecologist to request said analysis and depending on the results, adopt the measures that the doctor considers necessary.

Finally, keep in mind that although some natural products can provide benefits, in any case, hormonal disorders cannot be treated exclusively by them, much less without medical supervision.

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