Success Is A Matter Of Balance

Success is a question of balance. Something that is not always achieved and that ruins everything we want to achieve. That is why it is so important to be aware of it.

But what is balance really about? It is not so easy to achieve, perhaps because it requires a great effort and will on our part.

However, if we want to be successful, we cannot turn our back on it.

The magic of harmony

When our lives waste harmony, everything flows, everything goes well. Although there are still problems, we are able to solve them, how could it be otherwise, successfully.

However, sometimes we get too carried away by our ambitions, which blind us and begin to urge us to act improperly.

  • For example, we become so focused on our work that we no longer have time for our family.
  • We are so absorbed and want to do so many things in such a short time that we postpone meeting friends.

In the end, we end up living to work, not enjoying life and putting our interpersonal relationships aside.

Although now we do not give them the importance they deserve, when we get what we want, we will. The problem is, then, it may be too late.


That is why harmony is so necessary. Even if we dedicate hours to what we like, we have to prioritize what is really important. Because otherwise, when we achieve our goals, we will find ourselves alone.

It will be then when, despite being successful, you will not feel full or happy.

Success can wear you down

to enjoy

Achieving something requires that we give it our all, that we face challenges and difficulties and that we still move forward.

However, if balance is not present on this path we are traveling, success can wear us down and even end us.

It can make us irritable, when we weren’t before; generating continuous stress and anger, when before we always wore a smile.

The lack of balance can transform us into someone we do not want to be.

Someone sad, anxious, ambitious and with a series of negative emotions that become the bread of the day.

For this reason it is very important that we take time for ourselves. To do what we like, to relax and forget about the intense work we have.

Running too fast is not going to benefit us.

Sometimes, it is better that everything happens slower and that we enjoy the journey.

If by rushing to do everything we end up with our balance, generate arguments with our loved ones and irritate us to the point of transforming our character, success will not be worth it.

Well, when you get to it, you will realize that you have not completed your triumph.

Set priorities


It’s hard to prioritize when we’re so focused on what we’re passionate about. However, it is not about looking only ahead.

There is life around us, so let’s turn our heads, raise it and lower it from time to time.

Success lies in being able to dedicate our time to different aspects of our life, different areas, people and situations.

In this way, we will find ourselves in balance, where all areas of our existence have their moment.

The consequences of turning your back on one of them will be dire. If you stop doing what you like, to enjoy your hobby, what will happen if one day you can no longer do it?

If you put your family aside, why do you expect there to be no arguments or recriminations for prioritizing your work before people?

When you are not spending time with your friends, how do you go to them and ask for help when you need to vent or have someone dedicate a few words of encouragement to you?

Being successful necessarily implies feeling good, happy and in harmony in all aspects of our life.

Therefore, we must never let ourselves be blinded by ambition and, in turn, we must value what we already have by giving them a place.

The false “I don’t have time” or “I am doing it for our future” are over.

These are mere excuses that we make when we only look ahead, ignoring what is happening around us.

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