The Best Ways To Use Lemon In Your Health And Beauty

Thanks to its multiple properties, lemon can help us both topically and internally. Its vitamin and mineral content make it a perfect ally for our health

Lemon is a very popular citrus fruit around the world. Different varieties and multiple recipes are known in which its particular acid flavor is used.

Today we also present other uses that perhaps you did not know of this fruit. Some may surprise you. Are you going to miss them?

Lemon can help you …

For many years it has been a fundamental part of gastronomy since, being so versatile, it can be combined with many other ingredients and flavors.

However, it has other properties. These can bring incredible benefits to the body and beauty.

Because it is a food that is consumed almost every day and that does not cost much, everyone should know at least one part of its applications.

Therefore, this time we have decided to share the most common ways to take advantage of it in daily life, both in health and aesthetics.

1. Strengthen the immune system


immune system

One of the nutrients that stand out the most in lemon is its high content of vitamin C. This, added to its contribution of B complex vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron and magnesium, They make a powerful food for increasing the body’s immune response.

A scientific study published in the journal “Nutrition” states that the effects on immune function are much greater when lemon is combined with garlic.

Thus, this fruit can be a great ally of our immune system and help us prevent diseases.

2. Remove skin blemishes

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Therefore, it can  help prevent photoaging caused by the sun according to scientific literature.

In addition, this vitamin also participates in the production of collagen according to the magazine “International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism”. This makes it an important ally of the health of our skin.

3. Take care of your nails

lemon for nails

Lemon contains calcium and magnesium, both components of nails.

Thus, this citrus can help you strengthen your nails. In addition, thanks to its antibacterial properties it can also help you eliminate bacteria that can affect these structures.

4. Facilitate digestion by ingesting lemon

It has digestive properties that increase saliva and the production of gastric juices for proper digestion of food.

Also, thanks to its antioxidants, it supports the elimination of toxic substances accumulated in the body and prevents constipation. Lemons contain hesperidin, a very antioxidant substance according to the scientific community.

5. Nourish the hair

Thanks to its content of vitamin C, which participates in the production of collagen, lemon can help your hair grow healthier.

In addition, it also contains vitamin B3. This is one of the vitamins involved in the production of keratin. Thus, lemon, combined with other products, can provide your hair with the nutrients it needs.

6. Lemon to fight acne

Lemon has astringent and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it can be a good ally in the fight against acne. This is because it helps fight bacteria and deep clean pores.

The best way to use it to combat acne is with essential oils high in citrus, according to experts.

When applied to the skin for this or any other purpose, subsequent exposure to the sun should be avoided because it could cause staining.

7. Exfoliate the skin


lemon salts

Due to its ability to deeply cleanse the skin, lemon combined with ingredients such as salt and olive oil can serve as a natural exfoliator.

To do this, simply prepare a mixture with these three ingredients. Then, you just have to apply it with gentle circular massages to facilitate the removal of dead cells.

8. Neutralize bad odors

Citric acid and the strong aroma of lemon provide a deodorizing action. In addition, its antioxidant action can help eliminate the microbes responsible for the odor, if any.

Thus, when applied to the skin, it can help control bad body odors. It can also be used to eliminate bad odors at home.

9. Lemon to improve visual health

improve your visual health

Lemon contains antioxidants that can help fight free radicals caused by UV rays according to experts.

In this way, it could contribute to the prevention of degenerative diseases such as vision loss and cataracts.

10. Soften elbows and knees

The skin that covers these two parts of the body is thicker and tends to dry out very easily. To remove dead cells and provide moisture, you can prepare a mixture of lemon, olive oil and sugar. Then use it to exfoliate.

To keep in mind!

Now that you know all the uses that you can give this fruit, do not hesitate to include it in your life. Start taking advantage of its benefits.

However, remember that this fruit alone will not work miracles. Lemons do not contain all the nutrients we need for our health and beauty. Therefore, it is best to always follow a balanced diet.

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