The Man Who Makes “temporary Tattoos” To Sick Children To Give Them Strength

These tattoos do not hurt when printed on the skin. They leave when the children take a shower, but remain ingrained in their souls to give them strength.

At the same moment in which they are engraved on their bodies, these boys and girls become “tough guys”, people who smile at life and who enjoy seeing themselves in the mirror in another way, in an original, daring and spectacular way .  Anything goes if the goal is to see a sick child smile , and this New Zealand artist knows it well.

Tattoos on the skin to increase the confidence of sick children

The story of this young tattoo artist, Benjamin Lloyd, is also an example of personal improvement. When he was little he suffered a very serious burn on his body that deformed part of one arm. It made his school years little more than hell.

Sad boy

Most of his classmates made fun of him for “that arm with the deformed and wrinkled skin. It was something that marked his childhood and part of his adolescence. However, when he had the age and the opportunity, he did not hesitate to get a tattoo in that area.

His life changed overnight, a simple drawing and strength, confidence and motivation suddenly embraced him with such a full feeling that he instantly found his goal in life. Tattoo. Create drawings on people’s skin to see in others the same transformation that he had experienced.

Now, doom usually appears in our lives when we least expect it and, just a few years ago, she had to face the death of her stepson. A boy of just over 7 years old. The idea of ​​going to hospitals to tattoo little cancer patients then crossed his mind.

But, he had his doubts. I did not know if that was going to be well seen, since, in general, there are those who still have a negative view of tattoos. However, he knew very well that something as simple as painting a tattoo on a child’s arm was a source of joy and excitement.

A challenge in social networks

To see if people accepted the image of a child with a tattoo, he did a test. He made a tattoo to the son of his neighbors and posted the image on Facebook. He commented that if he got 500 likes, he would go to a hospital to do the same with those children with cancer who wanted one.

The next day she was almost out of breath to discover that she had over 400,000 likes . It was clear, he had to. Benjamin Lloyd then created a special type of airbrush to make tattoos in just over 9 minutes.

It uses a non-toxic ink that goes away quickly with a shower, it uses templates that the children themselves choose and the result is as wonderful as it is exciting. The images of these tattooed children have gone viral. Since then, Benjamin Lloyd has not stopped visiting hospitals to propose a fun session with his art and his airbrush.

Tattoo boy

The families are very grateful, because any unusual activity in a hospital is in itself a blessing for those little ones subjected to clinical routines and long hours under the droppers or monitoring machines.

  • Doctors have already certified that the ink does not produce any type of toxicity, and the only effect it produces is smiles and a high sense of confidence.

Benjamin leaves them their necklaces while they are getting tattooed and tells them about the many children who have come out ahead in the fight against cancer.

  • This young artist brings you hope, strength and courage. When children look in the mirror and see those roses in their skins, those skulls and fantastic creatures that hug their bodies, they feel as if they are protected by a shell of energy and strength.

It is something spectacular. Now, as the fathers and mothers indicate …  The problem now is that they do not want to shower! What do you think of the initiative of this young artist?

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