The Use Of Herbs For Cancer: Help Or Danger?

Currently, the use of herbs for cancer remains a concern. For this reason, experts and health institutions continue to carry out various information campaigns, in which they explain why herbs and medicinal plants should not be considered as a treatment option, nor a prevention method.

Before explaining the reason for this problem, let’s first review some aspects of cancer, starting with its definition.

The word “cancer” does not indicate a single disease

The experts of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) indicate that the term “cancer” is used to designate a large group of diseases that are characterized by the development of abnormal cells and that then multiply uncontrollably in any part of the body.

Origin of cancer

According to information provided by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and, it should be noted that about 70% of deaths are registered in countries of income medium and low. They also comment on the following:

  • Some of the main associated risk factors are: tobacco and alcohol consumption, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.
  • Good lifestyle habits can significantly reduce the burden of cancer. However, there is no measure that can prevent it 100%.
  • Early diagnosis is very useful for most types of cancer and can even contribute to a decrease in the mortality rate. 
  • Each type of cancer requires a specific protocol, therefore, it is essential that the doctor give a correct diagnosis in order to provide adequate and effective treatment to the patient.
  • The main objective of treatment is to cure cancer or to prolong the life of the patient as much as possible, as well as to improve their quality of life.

Cancer treatment does not include herbs

The National Cancer Institute notes that there are different types of cancer treatments today. Even so, various studies continue to be carried out in order to improve existing techniques and other associated aspects, such as the number of associated side effects.

In this sense, it is worth mentioning that, although there have been studies on medicinal plants and herbs that could provide relief or help to tolerate the side effects of cancer treatment, at the moment, there is no evidence to validate their use.

In the popular sphere, it can be believed that herbal medicine and home remedies could be a valid treatment option, since being made with natural ingredients (food, herbs and plants) they are “healthier”. However, the reality is different. No herb or medicinal plant is harmless. In one way or another, they generate reactions in the body and these may not necessarily be favorable.

There are people who reject drugs because they consider that they are not healthy or that they have more disadvantages than a natural remedy. At this point, it is convenient to remember that the vast majority of drugs have a plant compound as their active ingredient. Therefore, medications are not the antithesis of natural remedies, but a much safer version of them.

Once again, the experts at the National Cancer Institute are very clear on this:

Discover: Chemophobia, excessive fear of chemicals

It is best to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor

What are the side effects of cancer treatment?

Ultimately, herbs for cancer are not a help to the patient, but a danger. Therefore, when it comes to cancer treatment, it is best to follow the doctor’s instructions and avoid resorting to so-called “alternative medicine” until the remedies have been officially proven and endorsed as a valid treatment option. (and solid).

The WHO states on its website: “one or more main treatment modalities must be carefully selected –surgery, radiotherapy and systemic treatment–, a choice that must be based on scientific evidence on the best existing treatment taking into account the available resources ”.

For more information, you can consult the following document from the Spanish Association Against Cancer.

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