Tonsilolitos, How To Avoid Them And What Is Their Treatment

Do you suffer from halitosis? Do you feel like you have a hard time swallowing? Perhaps you have tonsilloliths hidden in your tonsils, a kind of small yellow or whitish balls, somewhat consistent and that can be very problematic.

Tonsilloliths can sometimes be mistaken for tonsillitis. However, they have nothing to do with this condition. Are you curious? In that case, keep reading because we are going to tell you everything you need to know about it.

What are tonsioliths?

Tonsilloliths are also known as ‘tonsil stones’ as this is where the problem develops. However, the accepted name is ‘tonsil stones’. Although this suggests some seriousness, the truth is that tonsilloliths are not malignant or pose any health risk.

The biggest problem is that people who suffer from them have difficulty swallowing and often show halitosis. In more severe cases, they may experience persistent soreness and irritation in the throat area where the tonsils are located.

How to avoid tonsilloliths?

Sometimes, it is difficult to avoid tonsilloliths as they appear due to the accumulation of food that occurs in the part of the throat where the tonsils are housed.

Many times, they are quite noticeable. Just by opening our mouth we can notice that there are some white or yellowish pieces on the part of the tonsils. This happens because  bacteria proliferate due to the food that has accumulated in that area.

Woman brushing her teeth

Let’s see what actions we can take to avoid its appearance:

  • Good oral hygiene : brushing your teeth after every meal and supplementing it with dental floss and rinsing is essential to prevent the appearance of tonsilloliths. Ideally, the rinse should not contain alcohol.
  • Brush the tongue : the tongue can harbor bacteria that favor the formation of tonsil stones. Therefore, brushing gently is essential. Today, we can find toothbrushes that have a part suitable for cleaning the tongue.
  • Gargling : even if we use mouthwash, this will be of little use if we do not attack the problem where it originates. In order to reach the tonsil stones, it is essential to gargle for an average of 20 seconds.
  • Drink enough water : the water will keep your mouth moist and remove any pieces of food that may have been trapped. It is important to reduce your intake of tea or coffee, as they contribute to the growth of bacteria.

In addition to all this, we cannot forget to eliminate habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol that will contribute to the formation of tonsil stones and even worsen their condition.

Treatment of tonsil stones

Once we have seen some simple ways to prevent tonsilloliths, it is necessary to address the possible treatments that are carried out when none of the above works.

In some cases, the tonsilloliths are very large and can cause painful discomfort in the throat. Therefore, when the situation becomes unsustainable, it is necessary to consider other options.

Remove tonsilloliths

People who have tonsil stones can remove them by pressing lightly on the tonsils. This can be done with the toothbrush itself or a small spatula.

This action carried out assiduously will clean that area of ​​the mouth and, if we take into account the tips to avoid its appearance, we will be able to prevent it from filling up with food again. However, most likely, some food will always sneak in even if we try to prevent it.

Removal of the tonsils

If there is a family history, the symptoms of tonsilloliths are very problematic, the tonsils are very inflamed, and even this condition is conducive to infection, the doctor may recommend removal of the tonsils.

Tonsillectomy will eliminate the problem at its roots as food will not be able to lodge in the holes where it is trapped. However, it is the last option used when the problem causes a lot of pain, favors infections and the patient has to take antibiotics to deal with all this.

Cysts on teeth

Do you think you have tonsilloliths?

Most of the time the tonsioliths are so small that they end up coming out without us noticing. However, when they are larger and cause pain, it is necessary to see a doctor to solve this.

Therefore, if you think you have tonsioliths, it is best to consult your dentist. Under no circumstances try to scrape them with your nails or any sharp object because you can hurt yourself and cause an infection.

While you are making an appointment with the dentist, the best thing you can do is maintain good oral hygiene habits and wait for the professional’s instructions.

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