What Is The Kissing Disease?

Infectious mononucleosis, better known as kissing disease, is an infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). This belongs to the group of herpesviruses.

This disease mostly affects adolescents and young adults, although anyone can get it. Likewise, it is transmitted by saliva, being the most common form when kissing (hence its name), when sharing a glass or a bottle or food. It is estimated that 90% of the population has been exposed to this disease. The incubation period ranges from four to six weeks, although in the case of young children it may be somewhat shorter.

Symptoms of kissing disease

Woman with headache

Some of the most common symptoms of mononucleosis are:

  • Fever.
  • Headache and throat pain.
  • Swollen glands.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Sickness.

Sometimes it can also cause small rashes. In addition, all these symptoms are usually accompanied by fatigue and asthenia.

More severe symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and headache usually resolve without treatment within a few days. However, tiredness or bloating can last for several weeks or months. This is the reason why many patients consult the doctor. It is then when they discover that they suffer from this disease.

Another fairly common sign is a swollen spleen, which also lasts for several weeks. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid exercise and contact sports. This is recommended to avoid complications due to its breakage, since it is easier for this to happen when it is inflamed.

Many times,  the disease can go unnoticed. This is because the symptoms are usually quite general. Thus, these usually coincide with the signs of other more common diseases, especially in the first phase of the incubation period.

If we observe that the symptoms persist and we notice that they are accompanied by fatigue, it is best to go to the doctor to start treating us as soon as possible. Mononucleosis is not usually a particularly serious disease, but complications can occasionally occur.

Kissing disease treatment

Couple giving a kiss

As it is a viral infection, antibiotics are not effective. The only treatment that should be administered will be that aimed at reducing fever and reducing sore throat with antipyretics or anti-inflammatories such as paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen. And whenever the doctor advises us.

Although it is true that on many occasions there can be a bacterial superinfection of the tonsils. In this case, antibiotic treatment is indicated, but as long as a doctor indicates it.

There is a popular belief that to soothe a sore throat you can also gargle with salt water, mixing warm water with table salt. The measure can be approximately half a teaspoon of salt for every quarter of a liter of water. However, there is no scientific study to show that this is effective.

During the days when there is fever, it is recommended a lot of rest and a large intake of fluids, to stay hydrated. When the fever disappears, we should recover little by little the usual activity, as fatigue allows us. In addition, it is important to follow a proper diet, rich in essential nutrients and vitamins.

Although symptoms usually disappear after a few weeks, sometimes it takes several months for the body to fully recover. The more careful we take to take care of ourselves that time, the faster the recovery will be and the less likely a relapse will be. For this reason, it is not recommended to carry out intense activities or sports, nor to carry a lot of weight.

Complications from infectious mononucleosis are very rare if we take good care of ourselves. Just note that if we notice intense acute pain in the upper left part of the abdomen, we must go to the emergency room to rule out a possible ruptured spleen.

Photograph courtesy of Jes

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