You May Need To Eat More To Lose Weight, Know The Symptoms

Do you think that the best option to lose weight is to stop eating? This is a very ingrained but false idea. In fact, it can be harmful if you take it to the extreme. Instead, you may need to eat more to lose weight.

Although it is healthy to lose weight when it has been accumulated in excess, you should never put yourself at risk. Find out in this article if you should eat more to lose weight.

Symptoms that you need to eat more to lose weight

If you choose to eat less than your body requires,  you could be putting your life in danger due to lack of nutrients. The most characteristic disorders of these extreme ideas are anorexia and anemia.

If you pay attention, you will notice that your body gives you some symptoms that you need to eat more to lose weight. Pay attention to him and be realistic about your goals and expectations .

1. You think about food all the time

What is the first thing that comes to mind in the morning when you open your eyes? Can you finish all your pending activities without feeling anxious about eating?

eat more to lose weight

In case you can only think about food and spend the day trying to forget about it, don’t hesitate. You are facing one of the symptoms that you need to eat more to lose weight.

It’s okay to commit to your goals, but you should maintain a healthy , varied, and nutritious diet . A better option is to eat smaller portions but more times.  If you are going to be out and choose not to eat because everything is unhealthy, bring your own snacks or give yourself permission once.

2. You’re cutting out a whole meal or snack time despite feeling hungry

Some years ago it was believed that avoiding breakfast would help you lose weight but today we know that this is false. In fact, when you eliminate a meal time you make the situation worse .

Your body will realize that there is a deficiency and will begin to accumulate as much energy as possible. The problem is that this energy is stored as fat and will cause the opposite effect to the desired one.

What you need to do in this case is learn to count the correct portions and food combinations. Then organize your meal times accordingly to avoid constant hunger pangs.

  • Remember that the main times (breakfast, lunch and dinner) should contain fresh vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, animal protein and healthy carbohydrates.

3. You have stopped having your menstrual period

eat more to lose weight

The permanent or occasional feeling of hunger is not one of the symptoms that you need to eat more to lose more serious weight. However, If you have deprived your body of required nutrients for a long time, your reproductive cycle will suffer.

Then  you will stop having your menstrual period  because of the anemia present in your body and hormonal alterations. This, if it persists, can be very serious. 

If you have noticed in time, you can reverse the situation without problem. If you have not done anything to solve it, your body will begin to present more and more serious problems.

4. You have excruciating headaches

Another symptom that you need to eat more to lose weight is a very bad headache. This occurs because your brain receives blood without the necessary nutrients.

Food provides a minimal amount of glucose that reaches the brain. This is the one that helps you work the right way.

If you have not reached the loss of menstrual period, analyze if you already have this problem. If so, eat healthy and get that much needed glucose.

5. You have no energy for even the simplest activities

eat more to lose weight

Are you tired all the time? Thinking about going out for a simple walk seems impossible? That is one of the symptoms that you need to eat more to lose weight more clearly.

It is simple: If your body is not nourished, it will feel compelled to save as much energy as possible . The worst thing you could do in this case is force yourself to do exercise, Well, you would spend the minimum energy reserves you have.

Ideally, you should first recharge your batteries and then incorporate your activities. And this should be done gradually.

6. You are irritable for no reason all the time

The last of the symptoms that you need to eat more to lose weight appears almost immediately the moment you stop eating. Remember that being healthy and at your ideal weight means counting carbohydrates , not punishing yourself.

The good news is that this problem disappears as soon as you eat correctly. Start eating healthy and enjoy good health and quality of life. 

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